outro (ana)

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"What if I cut my stomach so it turns flat? I mean, it's just a question. I'm curious. I could distribute that tummy fat into my boobs and maybe I'd look more like Sydney Sweeney. Well, she's pretty. Then, I'll be pretty, yeah?"

if i could talk to myself
from years ago
when i was just a child
i'd tell her,

"don't go
everyone wants you to do the show
but don't go
you'll suffer for years and you'll only find
your way back home"

and if i could
i'd make her swear
to never talk to boys

and if i could
i'd give her the
longest hug in the world

and if i could
i'd tell her to eat
as much as she wanted

'cause it's better to be alive than lusted
it's better to feel happy in your own skin
than give it to someone who doesn't even care

i'd make her swear
to love no one more than herself

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