I'm tired of these boys not having names so boy one is going to be named Dylan and boy 2 is going to be named Damian.
I'm writing sperate chapters for each and they'll collide into their own things. I might just write a separate thing based off of them since it was suggested and a lot of people seem to like them.
This is Dylan's story.
It all started at the ripe age of fifteen. You were quiet and reserved but somehow a chatterbox back then. You don't have much memory of your highschool years but you do remember Dylan sticking out like a sore thumb. How could he not? He was sweet, kind, and everything you wanted in a guy. He treated you better just like someone from.a very long time ago did. You just felt something click with him.
Sooner or later, the both of you hit it off. You guys were one of the cutest couples in all the school. You both matched eachothers energy perfectly. Many people around you two were jealous of how cute you guys were.
Eventually, just like most highschool couples things stopped being all innocent. You both were sixteen when you guys had sex for the first time. You had opened up to him about something you read online a while ago and you felt like you really identified with it.
Growing up, you never wanted brave strong boys. You cared more about how sweet or fragile and sensitive they were. You wanted to be the strong one in the relationship. And as you grew older, the more you learned and soon enough you became interested in bdsm.
Dylan knew about all this and was already involved. Lucky you! So he very willingly allowed you to have your way. From then on, the relationship was near perfect. Of course, both of you had your flaws, and sure you would fight every now and then but you two were such a power couple that you never wanted to leave eachother.
It was just you and Dylan, against the world.