Prologue: Baby One More Time

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Prologue: Baby One More Time

Back Alley, Unknown Location, Bedford Falls, Michigan.....

         The sound of knuckle meeting bone had a kind of crunch one had not expected in the wake of a brutal physical assault, but that was something that a beaten and bloodied thin pale, and dying kit blond lad by the name of Corey Sheldon Rogers had learned in the wake of being on the receiving end of it. He had managed to get a good hit across the cheek which he no doubt would feel come morning if he could even move his face at all and took a few heavy blows to his stomach. He doubled over in agony in true fashion not just for the benefit of his twisted attacker, whom he had been all too familiar with but due to the insane amount of agony it unleashed shooting a good deal of white-hot pain from his abdomen up through the very back of his throat. The force had nearly knocked him unconscious, but he held on through grit and spit. His eyes had been watery and his body both weak and pained as his knees buckled and he slipped from being held against the nearby barn siding to falling into the mud and muck that had been below him. 

He could taste the coppery salt from his own blood as it oozed out of his mouth and trickled down his swollen jawline. The stubble he'd been working hard to grow had been drenched and slightly crimson-tinted due to it. The stinging from the sharp blow to his face had remained and seemed to only intensify. Corey had been used to beatings like this by all accounts, it had come with the territory given where he'd been born and raised. 

The son of two trailer park junkie felons had not been such a swell title to have as a kid in Bedford Falls, Michigan nor anywhere else in the world. Sadly, it gave the wealthier locals a bit of sport singling out who to harass and beat to a pulp when the adults were so busy with living that they had not even bothered to interact with their own children much less anyone else's. 

Corey had felt he'd been lucky with his lot in life, he could have been the son of respectable people with a nine-to-five job and overreaching goals like how many coupons to clip out when a sale had been on in the newspaper. Another crunch had signaled another blow to Corey's already hazed head as he struggled to keep himself upright in the wake of the coming blows from a rather angry and gruff young man with the most impressive finely kept messy dark locks this side of the train tracks. 

Despite the beating he'd been taking, Corey's heart had been pounding and his cock, while average in size but still good on a long night, had been as hard as he'd ever felt it even when morning had set upon him following a wet dream of sorts with every beach bodied babe a man could ever want. 

He tried his best to hide his quaking, as the handsome older boy had assumed it meant he'd been afraid of him and seemed to relish the sensation of power and dominance when it came to it. Corey had very much been terrified and viciously beaten, but he had felt something else, something he couldn't quite describe when looking into the vile dark eyes of the bastard that had been denting his formerly lovely face in. 

He'd stood about six foot two and weighed one hundred and eighty pounds soaking wet, He'd been quite an impressive young man when in full view, and as a result Corey had little to no choice in noticing the bulk of lean muscle and the prominent bulge in the front of his jeans. 

Corey did his best to try and keep his wondering blue eyes, no matter how swollen they were off the bulge but he couldn't exactly help it. He guessed it might have been the beating or the fact that he'd been slowly losing consciousness but he had considered that the man before him, football star and hometown prodigy Robbie Harper had been quite handsome when up close for a bastard with brutal fists and an insanely twisted temper. 

Robbie had been the ring leader in all things related to his teammates smashing the faces of unsuspecting trailer park-dwelling youths such as Corey and at the present moment, it appeared that he had personally favored giving the blue-eyed blond a beating now and again. The beatings had been just another part of life for Corey who had been receiving something of a sort all around since he'd been old enough to walk. 

If it wasn't his junkie criminal father smacking him around or his barely conscious mother who had also been a junkie in her own right, there were his inevitable run-ins with local the police for his various actual and perceived crimes given how they felt about him and his ilk. Robbie had been the latest in a long line of brutal fists that found their way to crashing into Corey's barely defensible body when the mood struck those who cornered him.

While the other beatings hurt something awful, Robbie's had a different effect on Corey who had tried his best to keep his long-standing crush on the football star a secret. He had known all too well that a guy like Robbie had trim galore with many a girl throwing themselves at him left and right but for some reason, he'd been unable to get the brutal bastard and his well-toned body out of his wet dreams. 

Corey steeled himself for another blow as Robbie came face to face with him, their eyes locking with mutual intense hatred and disgust alike as rapidly swelling and puffy watery blue eyes locked onto the dark hate-filled orbs of the football star for a few moments and time seemed to stand still as the dazed Corey took notice of the fact that Robbie had been touching him directly, not with his fists like the many times before but his palm against the blond lad's exposed neck while he aimed to strike him a new. 

The bloodied blonde could feel his body give way as Robbie suddenly dropped his fist and allowed him to fall onto his back. He stared down into a rather confused and disoriented Corey's blue eyes for a moment before turning his attention toward getting himself and his teammates as far away from Corey as possible. 

The blond lad's heart kept beating about a mile per minute but he never took his eyes off the retreating form of Robbie Harper unsure of what to make of what happened between them after they had locked eyes. Corey sighed as he attempted to ignore his fully displayed erection as it tented his worn jeans and made for a very embarrassing memory despite the pain from the beating. 

Once more his mind had gone back to the moment Robbie and he locked eyes. A sense of something went through him as he slowly began to get to his feet wiping away the blood and spit as he moved toward the direction of the San Thomas mobile home park. 

Corey Rogers had hated the superstar football prodigy Robbie Harper and Robbie Harper had hated him, so why had he been unable to get the vile brute out of his mind?

A Few Weeks Earlier...

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