Chapter 1: Rough Side Of The Tracks

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Chapter 1: Rough Side Of The Tracks

The Abandoned Tracks, Outskirts Of San Thomas Mobile Home Park, Bedford Falls, Michigan.....

     The scent of stale urine filled the flaring nostrils of one Corey Sheldon Rogers as he found himself greeted by the biting morning air in the wake of stepping out of his trailer park home to fend for himself before his parents took it upon themselves to ruin a good day. Corey had been one of the only few who rocked a mullet, preferring the business in the front and party in the back style with every aspect of his life. He'd grown up roughing it more often than not and had to make do with little to nothing for as long as he could remember. As a result of this upbringing he had very little that he liked in the ways of the world and few personal possessions. He had a favorite torn denim vest that he added as an accessory to any and every outfit choice despite there being very little variety due to his lacking funds, a pair of durable dark brown hiking boots, a busted silver watch his grandfather gave him passed down from the long line of Rogers men that had not been junkie abusive bastards and the makings of a black Camero super sport that he'd been actively restoring every chance he got when it came to picking up odd jobs in the wake of buying parts for its restoration.

 It too had been a gift from his late grandfather who had been the one to mostly raise him before his untimely death. He had learned to take care of himself after that, being only sixteen years old and at the mercy of two degenerates for parents had never done him any favors but he got by alright. Corey had another disadvantage aside from his upbringing that had made it rather difficult for him to get by in life aside from his displays of bravado and desperation with petty crimes and constant fights. He had taken to drinking to ease his suffering now and again and then some. He'd been living very letter of the law so to speak but no one had bothered to care about his existence before so he saw no harm in it now. 

It had been a very harrowing thing to be told at the age of nine years old that he'd been given to a peculiar condition that made it all the worse for Corey as he aged and puberty had taken a toll on him. Due to his mother's well-noted drug use, he'd been born with the characteristics of an intersex person and knew not how to truly navigate such a delicate thing neither mentally nor emotionally aside from ignoring that he'd been born with a vagina aside from a certain time of the month and thinking with his little head as opposed to the bigger one.

He figured that if he continued to stick his average-sized and wayward cock in anything with two sets of lips there would be no need for anyone to question his sexuality and for the most part it had worked out pretty well for him he'd been treated like any other boy and roughhoused just as much if not more always having something to prove. 

He took quite a few more beatings than he'd dished out but he had indeed proven he'd been a boy at heart despite his shameful secret kept at bay only due to the birth control pills that made it easy to bypass the times of the month that indicated otherwise. 

Corey took a deep breath of the rancid stale piss-smelling air as he stood with his legs spaced and his bare pale cock pointed at the nearby tree which had looked itself as if it had seen better days given how thin and frail it had been about the trunk. He sunk his boots into a good deal of the soft mud as he aimed his cock at the tree and unleashed the floodgates that had been adding to the pressure in his bladder. 

The warm sensation had been pleasant as it always had, one of the few pleasurable things that had not required money in Corey's rather tumultuous life. The sound of his urine beating against the tree had been a lot louder than the lad expected as he continued to relieve himself as the images of his latest dream threatened to put an end to it before he'd been properly finished. He had spent the past several hours awake as he attempted to make sense of why he had been endlessly dreaming about a certain dark-haired rich boy bastard who seemed to go out of his way to make his life more of a living hell than it had already been. 

Robbie Harper had never been too far from the mind of a constantly vexed Corey Rogers. 

He had been the thorn in the blond lad's side ever since they met when his family had first moved to Bedford Falls. Robbie had seemed like a pretty decent young man to know, he'd been polite and well-mannered, typical of rich boys in the area but once he settled he became just as bad and obnoxious as the rest of them. They had been occasional study partners in the past, due to teachers possibly having it in for Corey in his younger years due to his parents. 

Later Corey had not had much time for school aside from selling reefer for his old man on campus or at lunch. Occasionally a truent officer would wring his neck and haul him off to school but he'd simply bide his time for lunch and the end of the day doing a little of nothing as the idealistic and insufferable teachers yammered on and on about stuff that never seemed to matter in the grand scheme of things. 

Corey had been quite an adept student when it came to shop class be it building things or auto work, he'd shown quite the aptitude for hands-on learning and scored the highest in those classes, academia however had never been his strong suit and he saw it as virtually pointless.

The real world had not cared about academics no matter how much the teachers and politicians attempted to sell the youth pipe dreams and big business sure as hell didn't care what degree a person had so long as a worker bee moved and gathered materials at a cheap rate and kept complaints to themselves while the big wigs cut corners and lined their pockets with as little interference as possible.  

It didn't take Corey long to figure out that the more your education had indicated the less money you'd get to take home in your own pocket. He had no time for rip-offs when he'd already been at the bottom of the food chain. He had after all grown up on the rough side of the tracks. The blond lad finished up at the tree and took off toward parts unknown if only to avoid the officers and his parents. The day had just begun and there was all sorts of trouble that he figured he could get into, as there had been nothing else for him to do. 

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