family takecares of aaru

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the nurse says come on go everyone out pihu says nurse this my mumma 

hospital and mumma says when our family is ill we should take care of them so i will stay with mumma

abhi says yes my wife is important to me so i will not leave her she says let patience rest for sometime now pihu says i will also sit here dr john comes he asks what is happening

she says dr john i am here so she is scolding me he says let pihu and abhi stay here only nurse says fine sir 

pihu was with aaru rakesh comes with lunch pihu wakes aaru mumma get up she orders nurse to make the bed up and put the table on the bed 

and asks to sanitise it she does it now she says papa put the food in the plate and give it to me she feeds  aaru she says pihu enough she says aaru what is this have properly otherwise see what i will do 

she feeds the food and wipes her face with towel and makes her drink water she says nurse get me bowl of luke warm  water with a sponge she brings it and gives it to pihu she wipes aaru face and puts a bindi on her face and say now sleep 

aaru says i am board of sleeping she says have your food and come she says i will have later she says no pihu rakesh go bring for these two even you have it okay he goes and brings it she says have it front of me 

they both have the food  aaru says good she says when you both have to care for me even you should also eat well no 

abhi says yes aaru says pihu baby go home now okay tomorrow you have school okay and be a good girl you should not trouble anyone mumma will come tomorrow she says yes mumma good night mumma and papa he says good girl by baby 

abhi was with aaru he says i was so scared when we saw you in that room she says abhi i never accepted that i will meet you again because i thought i will die there only it was unexpected 

he says how will i let you die and i would have also jumped into that she says i know that but i had no hope i my heart knew you will come but still i had no hope on myself he says happened is happened do not take stress about that know my whole life journey was coming in front of me i don't know why i left some one is asking me to quit the world 

he says we have not have our journey you can quit the world so fast she says i know that okay nurse comes to give injection aaru says will your madam injection

nurse says mam you have only patience may anyone they are patience once they sleep on this bed 

she says repeating my dialog to me only she says sir help me he says this is most difficult task it hurts me when i had to inject her injection she says i am helpless abhi says aaru look at me and he hugs her and rubs her back nurse says over abhi says done she says i want to go home soon

dr john comes he says i am sending morning only she says okay he signals abhimanyu to come out

he says abhimanyu since she had been fire accident she might have a trauma over it so please make sure your calm because our role plays major how you handle and calm her because she might get hyper she might get panic attack anything may happen and it is unpredictable so please look after that and keep in touch with me don't let her go alone make sure anyone is there 

what ever medicines give it heals only physical injuries not mental injuries so love is that healer it should be healed in that way so take care he says sure doctor he leaves

abhi comes inside aaru was sleeping like a baby pihu calls him and asks how is mumma he says she is fine mumma is coming tomorrow she says fine papa take care love u 

abhi thinks how is family is completed i am very lucky that i have you he also sleeps holding her hand the nurse comes and changes iv bottle and goes 

it is morning aaru wakes up and sees abhi and scars his hairs he feels good he wakes up after sometime and asks how are you she says i am fine 

he says what will drink pihu comes and says mumma will have latte and papa will have coffee 

aaru says correct she says mumma today i prepared this but with the help of ms logo so don't worry she drinks it and says amazing abhi also says the same after that pihu says mumma i missed you so much 

she says even me baby i missed you but i had told the angels to keep my pihu safe she says even me mumma i know papa is hero will always safe you and me i love u both 

abhi carry her and says your the best gift in my life she plays with him and says yes papa aaru was so happy seeing this because these many days pihu missed all was a love of a father which she could never give her 

dr john comes and checks aaru and says your fit and fine she says thank you so  much 

he says it all your husband care and love there is nothing what i did 

she says that is true john says abhi go and complete discharge formalities kairav says it is done

aaru says finally i am going home pihu says mumma your acting like me john says your mumma is one of best doctor and worst patience because she hates to become patience 

pihu says she is very cute when she is doctor she looks very dull when she is in hospital dress john says how mother is same the daughter is the same 

abhi says that is prefect kairav says come let go aaru says finally this iv is done she takes of the bandage with force abhi says aaru what have you done john says aaru what is this 

abhi does first aid after that they take to house swarna was ready to welcome her with aarti ki thali and she welcomes her she says thank you so much for taking care of pihu in our both absence swarna says she is my grand daughter no problem and aaru pihu reminded your childhood same disciplined like you everything same sometime i feel you have only given birth to her

aaru says everyone say this to me but the fact does not change forget all those pihu has made special breakfast not even allowing us to kitchen she says wow come let have they all have super baby it is very yummy mimi says aaru we told her that we will make paratha for you all of them objected first pihu objected everyone aaru says no one eat those here  mimi but you make it for me 

pihu says mumma no oily food she says dear mimi will make paratha using desi ghee not oil she says mumma paratha is best paratha surekha says yes i agree because i have eaten her paratha 

manish says surekha and ag please do not tell anything you both very bad aaru has made everything for you she says what is big deal baadepapa i will still make for you today you leave i will rest see from tomorrow i will make raj bhog only 

everyone laugh and have the breakfast 

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