The start

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This is going to be a short chapter bc it's the first one

(Izuku's pov)

Honestly I don't know why I thought today would be any different,because I still feel empty and incomplete,my dad still isn't here,and my mom is still an ass.So what made my stupid brain think today was going to be any different?
Probably because today is the UA entrance exam and I'm pumped as hell... Anyways I need to make sure my mother doesn't beat me before I leave,so I clean the house and call Kacchan to come get me so i dont have to walk.

(10 minutes later)

Kacchan FINALLY arrives even though he literally lives nextdoor,but anyways his mom picks me up with Kacchan in the backseat.

"Thank so much Mitsuki-san for picking me up." *I bow and get in the car*

Kacchan is just glaring at me like a weirdo
And I decide to ignore him.

After 25 minutes we finally get to the hill where school is and we say goodbye to Mitsuki-san.

(Skip to the explanation of the robots)

I zone out and ended up muttering,this weird sonic looking dude is yelling at me for being disrespectful even though his face is disrespectful

I ignore him

I basically didn't listen to a thing Pres-Mic said ,but we get on this stank bus to go to the entrance exam

(Last minute of physical exam bc I'm lazy)


This brunette girl locks eyes with me and started running towards me to hopefully get this rock off before I get smashed by the nada pointer

(Ochako's pov "idgaf ab her so if I spelt her name wrong IDC")

O.M.G this cute green haired boy is stuck under a rock and a 0 pointer is coming!!!
honestly I wouldn't have help him if he wasn't cute
I start running towards him as fast as I can so I can save him.
I touch the rock and pick up and throw it at the zero pointer,and instantly regret it.
I feel the nausea coming to me but I still grab the boy who is surprisingly light and throw him over my shoulder and start running since there's 10 seconds left.

(Author pov)

They both end up getting to recovery girl
Ochako only has a few scratches while Izuku has fractured knee and broken ankle but he doesn't feel so he don't care.

They get healed up and Ochako's fine while Izuku has to come back later but they get sent home.
That's it for now I'll work on the second episode mainly focusing on Izuku's mental health and him and Katsuki.Im sorry this was so short I promise the next one will be longer.

473 words

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