The perfect day.

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It was a perfect morning, just like other mornings. I woke up to the sound of my alarm, i turned it off. It was a perfect day and year to start in College, and all my dreams have became true, maybe who knows, i may met someone to fall in love with.

When i got to my college, i was so lonely, so i started looking a round until i found the most place i love, "the library", you may ask your self why?, but the reason is, ever since i was a kid, i loved reading, dreaming of writting my own book, i also love romantic stories and how they end, this makes me to believe that maybe i will meet someone just like these girls in the story. I'm super excited to make more friends here, and most important, meet someone, but also really nervouse because i haven't loved someone befor and i don't know if this guy will accept me or not, but i really wanna get things right and not mess anything up.

When i was still in the library reading my book, two girls woked beside me and stopped.

"Hi, can we just disturb you for a sec?"

"Yeah!, it's okay, what's up?, i siad."

"Do you know here the toilets are?"

"ooh!, i'm so sorry, but i'm also new here and i just got here, i haven't explored the school get to know where they are, maybe you should ask around to other students over there, they may help you, i siad."

"Okay, thank you for your time."

"Anytime, girls, i said."

When i looked my watch, it was time for my class, i gathered all books and materials of mine i was using, then one of my books i was reading fall down.

"Oh!, no, my book, i said."

when i was going to pick it up, a hand came from no way and pick it up for me, i raised my eyes up to see who was that.

when i was going to pick it up, a hand came from no way and pick it up for me, i raised my eyes up to see who was that

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OMG!, guys, it's a guy.

Then he gave me my book back.

"Here you go?, he said."

"Thank you, i said."

"It's nothing, a' you new around here?, he asked."

"Yeah!, why?, i asked."

"Because i haven't seen you around here in this college and outside too, he said.

"So, you know everyone here?, i asked."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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