chapter 1

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"Stop right there", i point my gun as the escaping shawdow. The masked man turns around only to smirk "Always a pleasure playing with you detective", i fire a bullet only for him to grab onto a rope and swing across the room "aww what if you injured me ?", he smiles as he breaks the closest window before jumping from it. I groan in annoyance as i run up to the window and look down...... great he ran away... again. the doors to the museum bursts open and chuuya and akutagawa run inside. Chuuya frowns " again ?", i nod "again"... he grits his teeth in frustration and looks at akutagawa "how much was the diamond worth?", akutagawa clears his throat "it was priceless".... "tch, stupid assholes", chuuya mutters as he takes his hat off "well we cant do anything about it anymore so lets just go back to the agency"... i rub my forehead "i could tr-", "hell no", chuuya cuts me off with a glare.

on our way back i stare out the window of our car as chuuya glances at me "dont blame yourself asshole theres no point to it" he scoffs. i hum softly "ill catch him next time", chuuya grins "sure as hell! now then lets go get some drinks".... akutagawa sighs as he starts driving towards a bar... big mistake

few hours later im drunk and walking home... this is not good at all. I felt my body weaken as i lean against a wall. As i was walking i bump into someone and almost fall, the person keeps me from falling. he looked angelic... beautiful brown hair, the most prettiest brown eyes. i squint as i try focusing on him as he chuckles "are you alright there?", i try straightening myself as i look at him "hmm ? yah sure im fine" i slur softly as he just keeps a cold smile plastered on his face.... he gently takes my hand and kisses my knuckles "whats a pretty thing like you doing alone with no one around....", I felt my cheeks heat up slightly "uhmm what", he leans down "hmm... nvm" he backs away... his voice sounded oddly familiar... maybe im imagining it.. he smiply lets go off my hand "my dear if only you could see your state... i feel almost bad doing thing", i frown "huh ? what do you mean?", he shrugs "guess you'll never know" with that he starts walking away " be safe.. it wont be fun without you" i look at him confused... was this man also drunk.... ? i groan as i make my way to my house..


i woke up with the worst hangover imaginable. i groan softly as i turn around. i could hear my neighbours going at it... its 7 in the morning.... i sigh as i sit up and look at myself in the mirror "god i look like a mess", i mutter as i comb my damp hair with my hand. i look at the time and frown "oh right work", i slowly stand up feeling my head about to burst as i do my morning routine. i open my main door and see a blue letter on my front porch... i raise a skeptical eyebrow as i pick if up "for the lovely maiden" is the only thing writing on the envelope. i tear open the letter and read the contents.

it is my humble request to invite you to a masquerade ball on the 23 of this month.. i hope you do consider my invite.. who knows ? maybe youll arrest me this time after all.. and do wear something nice..

i glare at the letter and curse under my breath... great bow the phantom thief knows where i live. i toss the letter in my bag before leaving for the train. once i reach the station im greeted by higuchi handing out coffee to everyone. she smiles at me "y/n you look tired", i scoff "well the case is eating my soul out so yah", she shrugs handing me a cup "well at least we'll still have coffee", i chuckle as i take the cup from her and walk to my desk. i notice chuuya still isn't in so maybe he's still dealing with his hangover. Akutagawa walks up to me and hands me a file "these are the new locations the phantom thieves are expected to raid", i notice he has eyebags and sigh "did you get any sleep?", he glances away "dont worry about me... im not a kid anymore", i smile softly "do take care of yourself, wouldnt want anything happening to out information collector" he nods before leaving me with the file. i take a sip of coffee before opening the file. i skim through the locations... museum, a mall, a masquerade ball- wait hold up. I look back at the masquerade ball and recall about the weird letter i received... that cant be a coincidence right ? i frown slightly as i call for akutagawa " hey aku... you sure a masquerade ball might be raided?" he nods "from my knowledge yes"..... the rest of the day goes by pretty quick just filling out paperwork..

in the evening i was passing by a sweet store as i notice an argument between the owner and some random guy. i walk in to see whats the commotion about. the guy wore a weird brown coat and hat.. his black hair and eyes closed as he scoffed "its not my problem your sweets suck" the owner scowls as he raises his hand "listen here you little twerp" i interfere and glare at the man "hey no need to get aggressive" the man scoffs at me "tell him to shut up then"... i sigh as i look at the man "he's leaving anyway" i grab the black haired guys arm as he tries protesting. when we are outside he looks offended "whyd you do that huh? he really doesn't sell good sweets ", i look at him with a deadpan expression "just because he doesnt make god sweets doesnt mean you can be unnecessarily rude sir ", he pouts and turns away "well whatever ill just go to another one" he starts to walk away before he looks at me "oh yah do consider our offer to you in the letter..." it took me a minute to understand but when i do i look at the direction that man went and my eyes widen...... how did he...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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