Part 17

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After the pooja concluded, some guests made their way towards the garden where the post-pooja meal awaited, while others lingered in the main hall, engrossed in conversation and catching up with acquaintances.

Sanskar stood in a quiet corner, deliberately keeping himself away from the center of attention.

Adarsh's keen eyes caught sight of Sanskar standing off to the side. With a knowing smile, he made his way through the gathering until he stood beside Sanskar.

"Sanskar," Adarsh greeted him warmly, his smile genuine despite the gravity of their circumstances. "It's good to see you here." Sanskar returned the smile, though discomfort could be seen on his face

Adarsh clasped Sanskar's shoulder in a reassuring gesture. "Don't worry, Sanskar. Everything will work out," he said, his voice filled with quiet optimism.

Meanwhile, Ragini, felt discomfort being the presence of everyone, wanting a distraction she decided to lend a hand to Parineeta.Swara, noting Ragini's initiative, followed suit, eager to contribute in any way she could.

Parineeta walked towards Adarsh and Sanskar, she shared prasad with both of them, and started a conversation with Sanskar. It's been long and they had a lot of catching up to do.

Ragini's gaze followed Parineeta, she spotted Sanskar though surprised she chose to ignore him.

It looked peaceful, yet the winds relayed a message that the storm was not far away.

In the bustling hall, Ragini struggled to balance a large tray of sweets, which she had to deliver at the catering area. Nearby, Sanskar was engaged in conversation with Adarsh, but his attention was soon drawn to Ragini.

His eyes darted toward the chandelier, sensing something amiss. As the fixture trembled precariously above Ragini, who stood unaware beneath it, Sanskar sprang into action.

"Ragini" he called her name aloud, ragini looked at him confused before anything to register her mind, she found herself falling back as sanskar pushed her away and the chandelier crashing down

Ragini's heart raced as she found herself unexpectedly beneath Sanskar's protective embrace. Startled by the sudden turn of events, she struggled to process what had just happened.

Sanskar helped her to her feet, his own expression a mixture of relief and concern. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry. "Are you hurt?" he asked again

"I... I am fine," she stammered, still trying to comprehend the situation.

The rest of the family rushed over, concern etched on their faces, Ragini's mind whirled with shock.

If only it was end, as unexpected projection illuminated the room

Pictures of Ragini and Sanskar started playing. Some pictures of them at office, meetings, at lunch, but the most shocking were of them in a compromised position.

Ragini's heart sank as she realized the implications of what was unfolding. The whispers and gasps from the gathered guests filled the air, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

Sanskar's jaw clenched as he stared at the projection in disbelief. He knew these images were doctored, but the damage they could cause was undeniable. His mind raced, trying to comprehend who could orchestrate such a malicious act and why.

As the projection ended, leaving an uncomfortable silence in its wake, Ragini and Sanskar looked at each other.

The Maheswari and Gadodia family exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.

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