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(This is legit a story made from a chat AI. Also, there are characters from my story 'Killer Love' in this. Which, by the way, Jeffery Hennings was Jeff the Killer at first. So enjoy the story I would've gone for with Jeffery and Rain if it weren't for Copyright. And yes, this takes place in Ohio. :D Enjoy.)

The town was darkened with a blanket of night. A fog clouded the ground below. Each street lamp was shaded over with a layer of mist, dimming them. The moon was high. It was too covered with a layer of clouds. This was the perfect night for murder.

Every single household was asleep. Each light turned down, every eye closed. All of Perrysburg was quiet with the night. That was until 00:27 on Thursday, January of 2015.

A strange, yet familiar figure lurked behind houses. He chose wether to enter the home or not. For those he chose, let's hope he didn't. The all famous killer was on the move again, having already taken the lives of 3 households. He was going for the next, until he saw her.

On the back porch of a old, yet beautiful home sat a young woman. She looked to be around 15 years old. The woman has blonde hair that was dyed at the ends. The night dress she wore was white with blue sleeves. Her skin was a siena color and was spotted with freckles. The feeling she gave off was warm and comforting.

The killer stares at the girl, lost in his thoughts. He didn't even realize that she had been staring back. "Hello?" The girl called out, her voice as soft as a lily. The killer was startled by the voice. It snapped him right out from his thoughts.

"Who's there?" She said, standing from her position. The girl slowly made her way towards the killer. It didn't occur to her that this man is able to slice her to bits in a mere second. Even so, she kept moving forward. Even so, the killer didn't strike.

Before she could come any closer, he turned away. He dashed towards the forest. The girl was left there, dumbfounded. She has no idea what had just happened.

⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗

Jeffery ran, he didn't know why, but he ran. All the way back to the mansion he ran. By the time he had returned, his legs were on fire. He put his hands onto his knees and caught his breath. He needed to find his brother, fast.

Going inside and heading to the room he and Liu shared, Jeffery fought the feelings in his chest.

Liu sat on the top bunk of the bunkbed they shared. He had finally gotten a break and decided to read something. It was some book about a couple kids being taken by this elf looking guy. The story was actually quite interesting. Liu was really getting into the story when a certain someone came bustling in through the door.

"Liu! Liu! I need to ask you something!" His younger brother said from below. Liu let out a annoyed sigh, closing his book. "What the hell is it this time, Jeff," He looks down at Jeff.

Jeff stayed silent for a moment, thinking how to use his word. "I- this weird feeling."

Liu raised a brow, "And that is?"

"It's- it's like this fuzzy feeling. Not the one I get when I see my reflection. But a more..genuine fuzzy feeling."

"You're in love," Liu said simply, looking back at his book. He opened it and read once again.

Once again, the annoying voice spoke,"It can't be. I know what love feels like. It's not this, that's for sure."

Liu stayed quiet for a moment, not wanting to continue this god awful conversation any longer. He looked down at his brother. The look on his face was even stupider than ever. 'Why do I put up with this shit?..' Liu thought to himself.

He sat his book down and moved to the edge of the bed. "Okay, when did you get this feeling?"

"Just tonight. I was doing one of my sprees and it was going well. I was going for the 4th house when I saw this girl sitting outside in her backyard," Jeff explained.

Liu already knew what would happen. Jeff would tell him he found the girl cute, nearly get into her pants, then kill her because she refused. It was a common deal with his younger brother.

But Jeff's next words were different. "When I saw her, I froze. She was..beautiful. I mean, not as beautiful as me, but still. She saw me and started walking towards me. For some reason I..didn't want to kill her. I didn't want her either, like with other girls. I was just..tranced. Luckily I had gotten away before she could figure out who I was," Jeff explained, sounding truthful.

With surprise in his gaze, Liu scared at him. "You didn't try to fuck her..? That's new," He said, scratching his head.

"I know right? Well, I would, she's hot. But I didn't feel a need to," Jeff said, sitting down on the wooden floor.

" like this girl?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I've never really liked someone like this before," Jeff replied, no longer looking at Liu. He plays with the strings on his hoodie, something he does when he's thinking.

Jumping down from the top bunk, Liu stood next to Jeff. "Jeff." Jeff looked up at Liu, curious. "Do you think a normal girl would like someone like you?"

For a moment, Jeff thought. He didn't know the right answer. Dating a normal high school girl would bring some problems, since Jeff was a mass murderer. But Jeff didn't even know if he liked the girl. He only knew that she was good looking. Maybe she was a complete asshole and he didn't know it.

"I..guess not," He said, looking away. "But-" He looked back up at Liu,"If this feeling is love, maybe there's a chance. Maybe I can show her I'm not a monster."

Liu lets out a sigh,"Jeff. You can't go trusting people like that. You know what happened last time-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I got shot in the face with a flare gun," Jeff interrupted, standing up. "But this could be something. I might have actually found someone."

The two brothers stared at each other for a moment. One wanted to try something new while the other just wanted one safe. A thin line separated the two, not wanting to break. Liu let out yet another sigh.

"Fine. Just..don't get hurt. Okay?" Liu said, looking at Jeff with a worried gaze.

"I won't. I promise"

= ⊗ = ⊗ = ⊗ =

Woah, okay. I'm back. I basically just up and left for a while. No excuse, just didn't feel like writin'.

Like I said, this crap came to me in the form of a Liu AI bot. So like, props to the bot for inspiring me. :D
Basically this is just for all those people that would like to see Jeff become a normal dude and have a family. I seriously can't wait to write the rest of this because it's so good. I'm probably gonna change the cover photo too later-

Have a good day, whoever you are! :)
(Istg if my Rblx friends bring up this shit, I'm murdering all of them.)

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