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But lemme give a short explanation-

So basically I was going through TikTok and found these random audios on other edits [ funny ones ] and I saw some on YouTube too, soooooooo, let's say they suit characters from the seriessssss!

( And some songs to be sang by Green to annoy Second ofc hehehe- >:]]]]] )

Let's get to it!


Green: Be aggressive-B-e aggressive-B-e a-g-g-r-e-s-s-i-v-e-Be aggressive-B-e aggressive-B-e a-g-g-r-e-s-s-i-v-e-

TSC: Please...shut up. It's 2am-


Purple: Hey dad,   

MT: Yes? * who lowered his newspaper to look at him like he was about to tell him his Exam results (which I will tell you later)- *

Purple: I want you to say, "I'm a man", everytime I finish a sentence.

MT: ....* loading (proccessing really)*...................sure, why not?

Purple: * Grinnnnnn >:)))* okay umm,

MT: * Confused why he grinned *

Purple: okay so uhh, I don't really have a mom erherrrmmm- so we'll *whispers* personally *normal volume so MT can hear him* fix that.

MT: .....okay...?

Purple: You broke up with mom. Yes I know you single just say "I'm a man".

MT: ....I'm a man.....

Purple: You decided to get drunk.

MT: Excuse me-?

Purple: JuSt sAy It-

MT: I'm a man-? Where did you learn what drunk is-

Purple: * inturrupts * You went to the bar.

MT: I'm a man..

Purple: You met a hawt girl there.

MT: *💀* I'm...a man???

Purple: You invited her back to your house and she said 'yes'.

MT: I'm a man...(MIND: I'm scared-)

Purple: * grin grows wider as MT thought * You both went uptairs... >:))))))

MT: I-I'm a man...

Purple: You both slept together.

MT: I'm a man...

Purple: You woke up in the morning.

MT: I'm a man.

Purple: You realized she was still there. * his grin is stopping him from laughing at this *

MT: I'm a man...

Purple: she turns around and she said-

MT: I'm a ma- oh wait- * blushes wild *

Purple: * finally let out his laughter and slumps onto the floor on his back on his stash of books for his finals *

MT: * his thoughts of him in highschool race through his mind ( plus, wondering if Purple found out his phone's code and went through his gallery-) *


[ about the time when Navy loved Purple (( Fact: In my Fanfiction, Memory Restart, Navy was forced to leave his beloved family by Victims Secret Agent Facility or something-)) ]

Navy: Alright, read it.

Five-Year-Old Purple: Umm..

Navy: Go on. 

Purple: umm.

THE BOOK: "In The Beginning"

Purple: In the beniging-

Navy: * stare of shock *

Purple: * notices him staring even tho bro was concentrating on 'In The Beginning'  * umm, in-..In The beningin'-

Navy: * still in shock because Purple can read better *

Purple: RHERRRRMMMMM- In ThE BegInGin- wait what-

Navy: It's-... * inhale - exhale *..it's beginning-

Purple: * while navy kept telling him it was pronounced beginning, covers up his voice with- * In The BENINGING- In the- In The Beninging- In The- In The Begnining-

Navy: * slaps his forehead *


MT: Respect- Power-!

Purple: BaNAnA-


•°//\\°• Not Related To An Audio But Yeah •°//\\°•

Green: Finish the lyrics anyone?

( no one olunteering )

Green: ....why not?

Yellow: you're gonna beat us.




If anyone else has an audio selected in their mind you want to see me use just lemme know :3

Just sayin' just sayin'!!!!!!!!!!

POSTED ON: 15th March 2024   =Friday=   -01:12am- 

[ yeah pretty much after midnight I'm amazing- I'm doing this for my readers- ]

556 words total with these!!!

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