Lee was a member of the acu team from January 14 2015 to his death at the jaws of the indominous rex . He was 21 years old when he died .
Lee's family was paid 300.000 dollars to stay hushed . However Hoskins his employer was revealed to be abusive . After pictures from phone calls via video chat showed bruises on the man's arms and neck and chest, which weren't from the dinosaurs . As there were no tail marks nor imprints of dinosaur skin. present . Hoskins wife also took part after videos of Lee defending his commander and Hoskins wife hits Lee so hard the man collapses and gets a concussion from hitting a wooden table : then the floor . She was arrested and charged for assault, battery , attempted murder .
cover ups
HorrorThese were deaths covered up by ingen, biosyn , and masrani global . Warning graphic descriptions not suitable for younger than 14 . Other events and deaths will be mentioned .