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*Luis' POV*

In hindsight, it was kinda obvious, but Luis was never one to admit when he was wrong. It had been a few days since Luca had admitted to his family he was seeing someone and Luis felt stupid he hadn't seen the signs.

For one, Luca never smiled down at his phone like a lovesick teenager. That should have been all it took for Luis to realize Luca was dating someone.

Secondly, now that he really thought about it, it had been weeks since Luis had last seen Luca shamelessly flirt with any woman who crossed his path. Damn, this chick must have had a hold on Luca.

Now, the younger Salazar was sitting in the passenger seat of Luca's Chevy as they drove back from a night out with some friends.

Even knowing Luca was apparently not single, Luis still expected his brother to leave the bar with the number of at least one female bartender and one random drunk blonde girl. Luca wasn't exactly unpredictable in that way.

It was to Luis' even further surprise when Luca hadn't even winked at the woman who handed them their drinks much less gotten someone's number.

So naturally, being the meddling younger sibling that he was, Luis decided to bring it up. If Luca really was a changed man (ie, actually having the slightest semblance of class), Luis wanted to know who the hell this woman was that had such a positive effect on him.

He was also curious if it was a woman at all.

What? Luis wasn't blind, he'd noticed how flustered Luca got that one time they went out with friends and some guy hit on him. What was his name again? Eric? Aaron? Whatever it was, he left Luca a blushing, stuttering mess.

Of course, Luis never brought it up, and neither did Luca, but he knew that Luca could read the knowing looks Luis gave his brother from time to time. He was fairly sure Luca knew that Luis suspected his older brother wasn't completely straight.

But, even if attractive men made his brother embarrassingly nervous, Luis had a hard time believing Luca would be able to get over himself enough to actually date a guy.

Luis should have known better than to push his luck with a tired and reluctant Luca, but he tried anyway, "When are you gonna tell me about this girlfriend of yours?"

Luis probably should have used gender-neutral terms, but he was trying to get his brother to open up and that would just make Luca think he was assuming, which would only make him uncomfortable like he clearly was when their mom had done the same. He wondered if she had done it on purpose and how she could have possibly known. It's not like Luca would have actually said anything to anyone about it. And Luis wouldn't have mentioned his suspicions to her or anyone else for that matter.

"Luis, mind your own business. Like I said last week, it's too new."

Luis rolled his eyes and faced his body more towards Luca as he spoke up, "And you think talking about it is going to cause it to go south?"

"Of course not, but I...," Luca paused, probably deciding if he should for once just say what he was feeling, "I just don't want to look stupid if it doesn't work out."

Luis was quiet for a moment as he tried to process. It was interesting to see his brother, the man who never doubted himself when it came to the ladies, be so completely unsure when it came to an actual romantic attachment.

"Nobody is going to think you're stupid for trying to make it with someone. Least of all me." Luis didn't expect a response so he turned up the radio and shifted his attention to the passing trees along the side of the highway.

It was a few minutes later when Luis decided to take another risk and push Luca to open up further.

"Can you at least give me a name? How did you two meet?"

Surprisingly, after a long moment and a dramatic sigh, Luca quietly answered, "Jordan." Luis gave him a confused look and Luca clarified, "You asked for a name. Jordan. We met through mutual friends about two months ago. That's all you're gonna get out of me, dude."

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