Buck is kinda goofy

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This story is based on a real life event that i had the blessing to take part in ( i wasnt the dumb one, dw)

-We are going to a trip to Warsaw!!! - said the pricipal count von Horrificus

-SLAY -said the students because they knew what adventures you can take part in during school trips!!!!

The children all packed their stuff and were talking excited.

-I cant wait to see the communist building! - said Oscar happily while trying to fit his stylish outfiys in a suitcase

Gothetta was hugging her little spider, because it was scared of the journey.

-Dont worry little bug, Warsaw is amazing!!!!!!

The teachers were kinda mad that it took them so long to pack their stuff and that they forgot randomass things. Well take them to more trips then omg.

-I hope you are all ready, tomorrow evening we are waking up early and taking the night train. Please dont oversleep so we wont be late. We will be on a train for like 3 hours. - said the teacher

When everyone woke up they just went to this warsaw and slayed. They saw some buildings, but well, the best stuff was still waiting for them.

Buck was in a room with Aspen, Ashley and Oscar, Lychee was with Klot and Stoker, Gothetta was with Moonlight and Ravena. Gothetta and Moonlight went to meet Ashley and they also started talking to Buck.

-You know what we do on school trips, right?- said Buck

-Bro what the hell - Gothetta answered

-OMG i cant believe you are such babies! We buy vodka, of course! - yelled Buck

-but how will we even do it? We dont have the documents anyways-said Moonlight, she was curious how hes going to do it

-Theres a shop next to a college, they will just think were from there?- said Buck

At the end, Gothetta, Moonlight and Oscar decided to go with Buck. Aspen and Ashley went to hang out with Lychee.

The little vampires were walking through the streets of Warsaw, looking for Żabka next to a university. When they arrived, Buck somehow easily bought vodka and no one suspected him. The others bought some randomass stuff so they will look more normal. (idk if it works like tghat tho lmao)

-What did you buy? - asked moonlight

-Well, i bought a big bottle of mint vodka and a 100 ml bottle of grapefruit flavoured one. I have already tried it and its really good, those are my favourite. - answered Buck

-Lets go eat something first, you cant drink on an empty stomach! - reminded Oscar

-McDonalds is near, lets buy somethning! - noticed Gothetta

The group went there, some of them were slightly nervous, because they could hear the bottles clinking in Buck's backpack. They never did such thing before, but Buck claimed to have experience with it. It was dark, but everything was still open. Vampires had to watch out for the sunlight, but they also had to go out when the shops are open, so they chose to go in the evening. The wheather was cold, slight snowy and windy. It was the beginning of January, but there still were some holiday decorations left. The streets were slowly getting more and more empty, as the moon rised.

-Lets hide vodka in our room and come drink it when the morning comes!- said Buck

The vampires did some sightseeing during the night, but Oscar and Buck were scared that someone will find the bottles in their room. They didnt tell the rest bc tghey would be kinda mad. When the morning came, the group from looking for the shop met in Bucks room. Ashley and Aspen went somewhere, because they werent interested in potato juice.

Buck took the 100 ml one and immediately drunk it all. The others were shocked. Is he dumb? Yes. They took the glasses and put there that mint vodka. Oscar drunk like one, two sips and stopped.

-It is really disgusting! I can't !!! - he screamed

Gothetta and Moonlight drunk like one and a half glasses and also stopped. Buck literally drunk everything else. He was so proud of it and that was goofy and childish. He drunk to flex. Then he took out his vape.

-YOU ARE VAPING WTF?!- Moonlight was actually shocked

-Well, do what you want to - reacted Oscar

-I just do it because i like to. - answered Buck

Moonlight was very confused why would someone want to vape and asked him some questions.

-It doesnt cost me a lot actually, and i dont really care what can happen. I have bubblegum flavour rn, try it, try!

Moonlight and Gothetta didnt mind trying it, even tho Moonlight was scared lol. Oscar didnt wantt to inhale bubblegum air.

The vampires decided to give each other makeup. Moonlight covered Buck in emo makeup, painted his lips dark red and wrote UwU on his cheek with lipstick (based on a real event)
She gave him an emo look, putting on dark eyeshadow around his eyes.
Then the teacher came in.
-You look very bisexual - he said
(My teacher really said this, hes so dumb)
-No, he looks like a beautiful man- saud Moonlight
Then when the teacher left vampires where talking and laughing, when the effects of alcochol staryed to kick in, especially on buck, who have drunk so much!
He stared acting like an idiot, laughing randomly, couldnt walk, and eventually, he went to the toilet to vomit.
The rest of vampire children werent vomiting, because they were smart enough to not drink WAY TOO MUCH.
Oscar was helping Buck, Gothetta helped a little bit too. They were so worried, but Moonlight was lying on a bed and filmed tiktoks. (Thats what i did and im proud of it)
-Why should i help him, its his fault that he drunk so much, he knew this will happen! Its not my problem - thought Moonlight and continued filming tiktoks. Then she got kinda bored and sleepy so she went to her room and fell asleep. Gothetta soon joined her and Oscar was too kind and was helping this idiot Buck.
When the morning came, Buck complained about headache. Everyone was scared that their room smells like vodka. The trip was coming to and end.
The teacher said to put all the suitcases in Bucks room, so they will be in one place and not get lost. Kids kinda panicked, and started to open windows.
But honestly everything was fine and no one suspected anything, no one gave a fuck.
And they came back, Buck told about this story to Stoker, because he was an idiot. He said every detail. When Gothetta knew about this she was furious, and Moonlight was too.
But anyways everyone kinda forgot and the vampires decided to repeat their adventure with potato juice on upcoming school dance and on their trip to Praga that will happen in


Bye bye, this was the first chapter, i will wrtite more soon🎀

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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