That Might Hurt.

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Y'all commenters r wild.

If yk me yk ion add warnings and only on the first gore chapter...
Warning for self-harm🤷🏿‍♀️

Tuesday, June 23rd.

Earth is seen in the steamy warm kitchen yet again. This time, he's cutting up vegetables for dinner later. Carrots, tomatoes, peppers..

The male tosses his fourth pepper into a nearby bowl, then grabbing an onion. Earth unwraps the onion from its shell, taking out his rather sharp knife and slicing it. They breathed in the sour smell the onion provided, wincing. Thirty-two years, and he's still not used to the damn scent.

Earth huffs, thugging out the poisonous stench that emits from the onion. They cut it into thin slices, his eye watching the knives every move. They grabbed another onion, chopping that one up into fine pieces as well. The way his hand motioned rapidly, the blade oddly close to his skin. Small beads of sweat ran down Earth's face as he slid the chopped up oceans to the side, picking up another to cut.

Before he started to dice the onions, he sharpened the knife with a blade sharpener. Once finished, he set the sharpie down, picking up the vegetable yet again.

However, there's always consequences to your actions.

"Ah- Fuck!" Gaia hissed, retracting his finger. Blood flew from it at a steady pace— Not too bad of a gash, but he should still do something about it. They popped their wounded finger in their mouth, attempting to force the crimson liquid to halt from flowing out. What Earth started to notice, was that his blood did taste good combined with the onion juice. Something about it soothed his tastebuds; it tasted too good.

Earth removes his finger from his mouth, looking at the scar in awe. To test his theory again, he grabbed the knife and slit a part of his palm, whimpering from the stinging sensation. He picked up a slice of onion, allowing his blood to slide onto the vegetable. Earth tossed the onion into his mouth, beaming up at the sweet taste. "Hm.." They mumbled, staring at the knife and their arm. An intrusive thought arrived in his mind, a lump forming in his throat. "Oh dear.." Earth heaved, setting the knife onto the marble countertop.

He inhaled deeply, taking some time to recollect his thoughts, trying to push down the idea. Earth ran his fingers through his hair, swallowing. They got a small cup, setting it onto the countertop. He picked back up the sharp weapon, hovering his arm over the cup. They took a deep breath, pricking his skin with the blade. Earth groaned as he slid the knifes tip into his arm, an irony substance spilling out at an uneven pace. Gaia bit their lip, slicing into his skin deeply.

They thought of things to provoke themselves. Earth shuts his eyelets, wincing as he slit another area of his arm. They could feel the blood rush down his hands and into the cup, sounds of it dripping onto one another enriled him. Earth whines, small tears flooding his eyes. The onion juice mixed with his wounded skin burned. The adult let out a gasp, dropping the knife from his hand. Earth stares at the mess he created; his scarred arm, the burgundy loquid rushing out, and into the small cup. He watches the cup slowly full to the brim, amazed at how much he could do.

Earth then remembered the fact he was still bleeding at a rapid pace, cup nearly overflowing. Gaia huffed, throwing himself towards the sink, turning the pipe on to wash off the scarlet juice that oozed out his wrist.

The navy blue haired adult looked at his wounded wrist, and then he averts his gaze towards the cup filled with his bodily liquid. Earth felt the guilt emerge in his stomach. Hopefully, no one would find out if he was smart about this. His eyes then trail over to the clock on the oven, realizing the others would be awake soon. "Fuck!" Earth cursed under his breath, washing off the sanguine substance with speed.

He reached into the cupboard above the sink, grabbing a hold of pancake mix. Gaia flung that onto the countertop, also bringing a bowl over. He poured the pancake mix into the bowl, quickly tossing the rest of the ingredients inside. As he started to whisk the batter, his eyes landed on the cup of blood near the sink. He had two options, throw it into the sink or mix it with the pancake batter.

He didn't exactly want to pour it into the batter; but he harmed himself all for nothing? He'll pass. Earth sighed, taking the cup of the red fluid, making it seep into the bowl. Once the cup was empty, he set it into the sink, moving towards the fridge. They opened the fridge and looked for a specific fruit. Strawberries. Earth let out an exhale of relief as he spotted the container of berries sitting on the fridge door. They grabbed it, taking a few strawberries out. Earth put the bowl of bloody batter onto the counter, reaching into a drawer for a fruit masher.

Gaia found the tool, then moved his hands over the batter, putting the fruit masher to work. Once the strawberries were all mashed up, he dropped the tool onto the counter and began to stir the mix yet again, scanning as the color changed to a deep pink. They swallowed the lump in their throat, mixing the substance with ease. It'll be ok, Earth.

"It'll be ok."

Earth watched as Luna took a seat at the dining table. He sat between Phobos and Deimos, there to prevent the two from fighting. On the other side of the table was Mars, writing up a few papers. Gaia took a huff, taking up two plates of pancakes, wailing over to the table. "Morning you guys..!" He exclaimed nervously, handing Phobos and Deimos their plates. If the twins weren't so whiny, he would've given Mars and Luna first, but no matter.

"Mornin.'" Mars greeted along with Luna, who hummed. Earth glared at the boy who was occupied with his phone. "Luna." Earth cleared his throat, causing Lunar to squeak. "Morning, Ma.." The teen responds, forcing a smile on his face as he puts his phone down. Gaia, pleased, puts his hand on Luna's head, ruffling his hair. "This is why you're my favorite!" He cooes, retracting his hand as he flees into the kitchen. Phobs and Deimos stare at Luna, their mouths agape. Before the two can start yelling, Mars buts in. "Don't worry, you two, you guys are my favorites." He smiles at the younger boys who return the action happily.

Luna rolls his eyes. I'm the favorite, but alright. They blow their hair out their face, awaiting Earth to arrive with his own plate. And as expected, they do. Gaia sets down a plate with two pink pancakes, strange. Luna raises a brow at the dessert, looking over at his parent. Earth noticed his gaze, opening his mouth before Luna could query. "Strawberries and food coloring." They blurted. Mars hummed as he poured syrup onto his own pancakes. "And that means..?" They trailed off, keeping his eyes on the food. Earth chuckled nervously as he replied. "U-Uhmm.. That's why it's pink!" They chirped, nudging Mars' shoulder.

"Oh!" He exclaimed. Earth breathes out in relief, maneuvering back into the kitchen.

"Well, it tastes good. Ya' think you could do this again?"

Earth grins widely, his eyes trailing over to the knife he used earlier.

"Sure." He giggles, taking a look at his wrists.

"Of course I can."


shit getting interesting

1287 words