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DJ walked behind me as we exited, his hand never leaving the curve of my back.

The music was loud, accompanying my never-slowing heartbeat in threatening to escape my chest.

I could feel my knees slowly start to feel normal again, their post-gasm high wearing off.

I thanked DJ for holding the door open for me and took note of the bigger-than-normal-sized limo parked at the end of the walkway.

Looking up at him over my shoulder, he smirked.

"What? Something wrong?"

I opened my mouth to respond but was interrupted by familiar approaching voices instead.

"DJ?" MM inquired. My eyes widened when a stumbling Quinn was seen attached to MM's lower set of arms.


"Music Man," DJ replied, glaring beneath his shades.

"(Y/N)? Where are you going with Spider Daddy number one?" Quinn hiccupped.

The three of us eyed Quinn skeptically before MM spoke up.

"So, the two of you know each other? (Y/N), you sly fox...why didn't you tell me you knew such a..." He grabbed Quinn's face and pulled them into his side roughly "sexy little enby-"

My eye twitched at the scene unfolding in front of me, dropping my bag accidentally.

The sound of my things meeting the concrete gathered everyone's attention, MM going to pick them up for me by my feet. As he bent down to gather my items, DJ placed a hand on MM's chest to stop him.

"I've got it." I watched as DJ picked up the contents of my bag and handed them to me accordingly.

"Thanks..." I swallowed hard, my throat dry.

"I think we're done for the night. Thank you, Music Man, for inviting us to your...'party'." DJ smiled and ushered me towards the vehicle.

"(Y/N)?" Quinn called out.

"Yeah?" I looked back at them, and they gave me a big, drunken, thumbs-up. I gasped and flipped them off, pulling DJ into the car to prevent him from seeing Quinn's stupid gesture.

I shut the door after us and exhaled, leaning back into the leather seats.

"...they're totally fucking." Quinn said to MM. MM nodded in agreement.

"Most definitely."


"God, they're both insufferably nosy," I rolled my eyes and looked over at DJ, who was already staring at me with a smile.

"Yeah. Perfect for each other,"

We laughed simultaneously before DJ told the driver his destination, closing the tinted window that separated us.

We sat in silence as DJ relaxed into his seat across from me. I watched him open a console and use the cigarette lighter inside, offering me a smoke.

"No thank you, I'm good for now." I declined his offer and got faint flashbacks from the last time I'd smoked something he gave me. A smile ghosted my lips.

"What are ya' thinkin' about?" He asked lowly, blowing his smoke to the side.

I shook my head, "Nothing, just us."

He nodded understandingly, crossing an arm over his abdomen and using it as a post for his elbow. It looked like he was staring at me, but then again, I couldn't say for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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