Chapter 2 - Impulse.

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Oh by jingo! why did I do that! It is simply preposterous for an upper class citizen as myself and a working fellow like Goole to show such strong emotions. My heart is racing as I track his heart beating. Unfortunately, I don't feel as though he shares the same feelings as I do. His lips feel as lavished as they look. I can't take this.

"Alright Mr Birling, I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen... and continue on with my inquiry."

It's positively over. Sybil is giving me weird looks, she knows I have a thing for guys, but she didn't think I was serious. Not only she is feeling betrayed, but Gerald feels betrayed too - especially after our encounter in the- nevermind. My children are disappointed, but I'm disappointed in them too - so it cancels out? I don't know why I'm trying to escape my feelings and overcompensate. I need to face the facts.

I love Inspector Goole.

I want him to inspect me.

I know he can tell. He's looking at me with those eyes. "May I speak to Eric in private please?" Oh my. I'm jealous of my son. As they walk off, Sybil stares at me. "Arthur..." What is she doing? She is supposed to stay silent. "Sorry Sybil, the last inspector has rattled me, I'm afraid of my golf license being rescinded, and I've started to act eccentrically."

Gerald leers at me. Our night in the beach house was a one off incident, but he still feels as though we have a connection. He whispers in my ear "So what about our night? Was that being 'eccentric'?" I.... I don't know what to say. Gerald is a dashing fellow, but the inspector... He's different. "No, Gerald. Our night was long overdue and I'm glad it happened. But can you please not bring it up in front of my wife?!"

The Inspector and Eric walk through, Eric looking dejected. "May you come with me, Mr Birling?" oh my. It's about to happen. I just look into his dark eyes and think about how I can get lost in them. His mustache is beautiful. Besides, I follow him through to the drawing room.

"So, Mr Birling? Care to explain yourself for your actions before?" Oh preposterous!

"I'm sorry... I just feel sweet of you."

"This is hardly appropriate." Shit.


"What of it?"

"I don't play golf, Mr Birling - But that wont stop me from playing with your golf balls..."

I gasp, this is really happening. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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