does my girlfriend like me

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So now I'm 20 and me and my girlfriend have been together for 2 years and she didn't know I wore diapers. So we are watching a movie at my house and I say "babe i have a confession to make". She looks at me and says "what is it". I say "do you promise to not laugh or judge me" and she says "I promise". I say embarrassingly "I uh wear diapers". She looks confused and says "why"
Then i say "I just like to wear them". So my girlfriend smiles and says "I don't mind it, whatever you feel comfortable with".  I say"do you still like me"? And then she smiles and says "of course I do, I don't mind that you wear diapers, your still my boyfriend and nothing will ever change that". I smile and hug her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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