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now  you're  lostlost  in  the  heat  of  it  allgirl,  you  know  you're  lostlost  in  the  thrill  of  it  all

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now  you're  lost
lost  in  the  heat  of  it  all
girl,  you  know  you're  lost
lost  in  the  thrill  of  it  all.

AFTERNOON  SUN  TURNED  to a warm summers evening, and despite having sat in Harry's Diner for majority of the afternoon, Ant and Rory slowly made their way to the cemetery

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AFTERNOON  SUN  TURNED  to a warm summers evening, and despite having sat in Harry's Diner for majority of the afternoon, Ant and Rory slowly made their way to the cemetery. It wasn't a name given to some park location, but rather a forgotten and unkempt cemetery that the council no longer locked some of the gates, allowing kids to get into all kinds of mischief. 

There was nerves buried beneath her skin, but the buzzing in her ears dulled and his hand in hers allowed her to focus on something other than the worries that plagued her mind. This was new territory, the pair were practically hard launching their relationship, despite labels not being really pushed for more than their conversation a few days prior. Spider and Dusty ( and Darren who had seen them earlier that day ) seemed to be the only ones with any inkling of what was happening, but even they had very little knowledge on the matter.

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