HYDRA Base Raid

608 23 5

Sokovia, 2015
2 Years after Zod's attack

Loki's scepter from the invasion of New York was seen in a secret lab, contained within some kind of blue force field when suddenly an explosion outside shakes the room.

A young man and young woman named Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are seen looking at each other before grasping each others hands

Intercom: Report to your stations immediately, this is not a drill. We are under attack, we are under attack!

In another corridor a bunch of HYDRA agents were seen running down the hall grabbing weapons and calmouring to get outside

In a commendered HYRDA truck, Black Widow is seen driving through a fire fight with Hawkeye shooting arrows from the back. One HYRDA agent flies near the truck but Natasha promptly kicks him away.

Iron Man flies by, shooting repulsor blasts at the enemies, Thor lands on an enemy vehicle causing them to crash before jumping up towards a watch tower and taking out the guards up there.

Superman then flies by using his heat vision to disable a bunch of tanks before usining his strength to turn them over on their sides, Captain America then rides by on a motorcycle, grabbing an enemy agent through the snow before throwing him into a tree and then using his shield to take out other enemies ahead.

Thor and Superman then do a team up against a tank, blowing it up before the wreckage was caught by hulk who used it against other HYDRA agents, the team then plowed through the remaining agents before Black Widow and Hawkeye ditched the truck to join the rest in a pose while jumping over the barricade.

Cap rides on his motorcycle through the battle as Iron Man and Superman fly up towards the fortress before Tony gets knocked back by a force field

Tony: Shit!

Cap: Language! JARVIS what's the view from upstairs

JARVIS: The central building is surrounded by some kind of energy shield, Struckers technology is far more advanced than other other HYDRA base we've taken

Superman tries to use his heat vision to cut into it but to no avail

Y/N: I'll say, my heat vision can't get through it

This caught the others by surprise, Thor landed in front of a group of agents and began to take them out

Thor: Loki's scepter must be here, Strucker couldn't have mounted his defenses without it. At long last.

Natahsa threw a grenade in an enemy veichle causing it to blow up before punching an enemy and taking down two more with her signature scissor kick move

Nat: At long last is lasting a little long boys

She shot an agent that was manning a turret, Clint then took cover behind a tree and used an explosive arrow to blow up a tank nearby

Clint: Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise

Y/N flew down as used his heat vision to disable the HYDRA weapons and flying through unmaned vehicles, destroying them

Y/N: Wait a sec, no one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said "Language"?

Nat chuckled to herself but was able to be heard over the comms

Cap: I know

Cap then hit the breaks causing the bike to flip over and smash into an oncoming ATV

Cap: It just slipped out

Baron Strucker hurried up the stairs in his secret bunker

Strucker: Who gave the order to attack?

Agent: Herr Strucker it's the Avengers, and Superman is one of them

Strucker cursed to himself

Agent 2: They landed in the woods, perimeter guard paniacked

Strucker turned to Doctor List

Strucker: whispers They have to be after the scepter. Can we hold them?

Agent: They're the Avengers

Strucker: Deploy the rest of the tanks, concentrate fire on the weak ones. 

Strucker turned back to Doctor List

Strucker: Everything we've accomplished, we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough

List: Then let's show them what we've accomplished, send out the twins as well as the prototypes

Strucker: It's too soon for them

List: It's what they signed up for

Strucker: My men can hold them, but take some of the protypes

Superman was flying through the battle, disabling all weapons and subduing all enemies.

Y/N: This sectors clear

Y/N flew into the air trying to find his fellow Avengers and saw Natasha fighting a bunch of agents with a tank approaching, he flew down and disabled the tank as she took down the last guy

Natasha smiled at her boyfriend

Nat: Thanks for the assit Superman

Y/N: Of course Agent Romanoff

Suddenly one of the agents regained conciousness pulled out a weird looking grenade and threw it at the pair, Y/N turned around just in time to catch it but then it went off, dispirsing a weird green gas which caused Y/N to choke and have trouble breathing. 

Nat: Superman!

Y/N fell to his knees but not before a surge of fury grew in Nat and she kicked the agent hard in the head before she ran back over to Y/N who was still having trouble breathing.

Nat quickly got on the comms to let the team know the Superman was down, Y/N tried to deny it saying he was fine but he couldn't even stand up, he felt so weak.

Eventually Cap captured Strucker and Tony retrieved the Scepter, Thor helped Y/N get back to the Quinjet where Clint was there with an injury of his own while Nat helped calm the Hulk down back into Bruce Banner.

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