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Soundtrack- "Nitesky" by Robert Kock and Rob Lamonica and "Daylight" by David Kushner



Shades of green, blue, and purple swirled in the sky overhead. Hermione tilted her head back, resting it against Draco's chest, gazing up at the magnificent pattern, glittering and gliding in the dark sky overhead.

It didn't seem real or... possible, but here it was, happening right in front of her. And did most every night. Or, at least, what she could keep track of as night. It was a little difficult without the sunrises or sunsets. But using the stars and her almost bottomless knowledge of Astronomy, she could just about make out the date.

And today was a special day. It was special, because it was going to be day.

The last time she had seen the sun was on her way to rescue Draco from Azkaban. Ever since then, they had been in total darkness.

Not that she was complaining because nights with Draco were... very good, but it was a little disorienting, not having a sense of if it was day or night, only the vague sensation that she should be asleep or awake.

But for once, Hermione didn't have to run on a strict schedule. She didn't have to monitor every minute of every day, making sure she was being as productive as possible and that any free time was devoted to catching up on research or work so that way she could squeeze in a few more tasks the next day.

She didn't have to do anything but just be.

Be her.

Be Hermione.

And thanks to Draco, she was finding out who that really was.

He was adjusting as well.

Without the pressure of a Pureblood lifestyle or a Dark Lord hanging over his head, Draco was surprisingly... pleasant. Well, he was still an ass from time to time, but he wasn't cruel. He was still moody, especially when they stayed cooped up in the cabin for too long, but most of the time, he was content just to be with her.

Whether she was reading or charming the bed to make itself, he was most happy when he was able to come up beside her, wrap his arm around her and pull her in for a kiss.

Sometimes she would ask him what it was for and Draco would just shrug and smirk at her, as if she already knew. And she did, mostly because Draco took any opportunity he had to tell her that he loved her.

But now, he was showing her.

"I told you it would be better up here," Draco whispered in her ear.

Hermione reached out and the colored light danced across her fingers. "I feels..."

Draco pulled her back into him. "Mmm, tell me how it feels, pet."

Hermione giggled, tucking her face into the large collar of Draco's black coat. She wasn't worried about falling, even this high up. After riding a flying motorbike from London to Azkaban and then from Azkaban to the island, Hermione had lost any fear of heights she might have once had.

And she knew Draco would never let her fall.

He kept the broom balanced perfectly even beneath them. His Mother had sent it, along with enough food and supplies to fill over half the cabin. Calix has swept in from the fireplace with a small package tied to his talons.

"This is it?" Draco shook the box and looked down at his owl. "This is all you brought?"

"Draco, be nice to him!" Hermione chided. "He came a long way!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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