Mine part 2 ~ Wheeljack x Autobot Medic! Femme Reader!

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Hey guys just so you know (s/n/n) stands for sparkling nickname.

Now let's get to the story!

Wheeljacks POV

I could hear small giggles as I looked for my femmeling.

Cybertron had been restored and right after me and (y/n) had welcomed our sweet femmeling into the world.

"Sweetspark, (s/n/n)! I'm home!" I quickly turned as I saw a flash of white try to run past me.

I quickly grabbed (s/n) and started to tickle her as (y/n) walked into the backyard smiling.

"Carrier! Save me!"

(Y/n) POV

I let out a soft laugh as I watched my sparkmate tickle our femmeling.

"Carrier! Save me!" I smiled and quickly ran to her aid, "I'll save you my dear!"

Wheeljack quickly set down (s/n) and pretended to be afraid, "oh no (s/n) help me!" She giggled as I tackled Wheeljack and pretended to beat him up.

I stood up and smiled triumphantly, "ha your safe now!" And then I picked her up and ran inside and hid.

Wheeljacks POV

I could hear faint giggles coming from the wash racks as I walked past them.

"He's coming shhh."

I burst in there making both of them yelp and scream in surprise.

After picking them both up I went into mine and (y/n)s berth room and laid down on the berth holding them both close.

(Y/n) Hummed and snuggled close to me as our sparkling tried to escape my grasp.

"Sire! I wanna go play!" I chuckled and shook my helm, " nope your gonna sit right here and let me hold you and carrier before you have to go recharge."

She started to pout and (y/n) laughed, "aww Sire wants to cuddle though, (s/n) ."

(S/n) Growled, " well I don't want to!!"


(Y/n) POV

"(S/n), come on dear your going to be late for school."

She shook her helm, "no, I don't wanna go to school!"

Wheeljack looked up from what he was doing with a stern look across his faceplates, "(s/n), listen to your carrier!"

(S/n) Nodded reluctantly and followed me outside we started to walk to her school and I smiled down at her.

Shes so much like her sire, I mean she even looks just like him except she's a femme.

When we got there I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her helm, "have a good day Sweetspark! Remember your Sire will be here to get you later!"

She nodded, "okay love you!"

"Love you too."

Then I started to head towards the clinic. Ratchet and Knockout should already be there by now.

When I walked in I walked in to Knockout and Ratchet in a heated argument.

"By Primus you are so stupid, I needed that!"

"Well it's nothing that can't be fixed Ratchet."

I sighed and walked in-between them, "okay boys settle down and let's get to work."


"(Y/n) I need you to go over these." I nodded.

"Sure thing Ratch, just give me a sec." He nodded and walked out, I was finishing up the gift I was giving Wheeljack for our anniversary.

It was a data pad that had pictures of us when we first got together before the war, and there's some when we were reunited back on earth and when he found out I was sparked.

My favorite was the one of us right after our femmeling had been born, I smiled and made a mental note to get one put on our wall in the living room, but the best part of the gift was there was a note with a surprise written on it.

"Sunshine, ya in here?!" I smiled and quickly finished wrapping the gift and walked out.

"Hey Sweetspark!" He pulled me into a sweet kiss and handed me something, " happy anniversary!"

I smiled and opened it to find lots of energon sweets, my favorite to be exact and a small picture of me him and our sparkling.

I hugged him, "I love it Wheeljack!"

He smiled, "I'm glad ya do."

Then he opened mine, he looked at the data pad and turned it on smiling when he saw all the pictures of us, then he looked at the note and his optics went wide.

"Your Sparked!!!" I smiled and nodded, "yep! It looks like we're gonna have two little wreckers on our servos soon!"

He smiled and hugged me, " I'm so happy Sweetspark! Thank you! This is wonderful, (s/n) will so happy!"

I smiled, I was happy, I had my Sparkmate and my femmeling, and my unborn sparkling.

Life's been good and it's only getting better.

The End

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