Chapter 2

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By the time Harry stumbled into class, he was almost late. He flopped down in his regular seat with a scowl on his face. A couple students looked at him oddly, since he was always the first person in the room, which only served to make Harry angrier.

Harry’s best, and only, friend Liam, nudged him from where he sat beside him. “Harry what happened? You were nearly late and you look pissed.” He asked, concern glistening in his chocolate colored eyes.

“Louis Tomlinson talked to me in the parking lot today. It was awful.” Harry grumbled moodily.

“Louis Tomlinson? As in the Louis Tomlinson? The one who dropped out after being caught shooting up heroine in the bathroom and stabbing a cop?” Liam’s jaw dropped. He always was one to be a bit over dramatic.

“Come on, Liam I doubt any of that stuff actually happened.” Harry said with a roll of his eyes. He realized it sounded a little as if he was defending the delinquent so he added, “But yeah he’s even more disgusting than I thought.”

“Well what did he say?” Liam asked in awe.

The bell rang at that moment, and the teacher marched in the room saving Harry from having to give an answer. He took out his notebook and a pencil, shooting Liam an apologetic shrug, and started to take notes. As he wrote monotonous notes, Harry let his mind wander, which was a very uncommon occurrence for him, since he always paid full attention in class.

Harry felt strange. He didn’t want to tell Liam exactly what had happened with Louis, but he didn’t actually understand why. He had never felt the need to hide anything from anyone before, especially Liam.

The more he thought about it, the weirder Harry felt. Harry was a problem solver. He analyzed things to the point to where it was almost ridiculous. So by the end of the class period, Harry had written hardly any notes and come to a conclusion: he didn’t want Liam to know what happened because the moment with Louis had been incredibly intimate.

Just the word made Harry want to gag,intimate.But even with his vast vocabulary, Harry couldn’t think of any word to better describe the experience. Louis had just been so close to him. Louis had filled all his senses. Harry could hear the filthy words coming from Louis’ pink, feminine lips, he could feel the smoke altered breath on his soft ear lobe, he could see every detail of the grungy tattoos that covered the soft skin of Louis’ neck, his nose was clogged with the rancid stench of cigarettes, alcohol, and something else completely unique, hell he could even taste him on the tip of his tongue. Harry had never had any sort of interaction like that with anyone. It was new and strange and dangerous and maybe even a little hot. But it could never happen again, Harry would make sure of it.

Throughout his classes, Harry had been brooding. He was normally quiet in class, but today he was completely silent. Even when he had the option to work with Liam, he chose to stay by himself and work in stony silence. He was furious at himself for letting Louis get under his skin and even angrier, because in all honesty, he kind of liked it.

By lunch, Liam had had enough of Harry’s uncharacteristic mood, and after settling at a lunch table, looked at Harry with puppy dog eyes. Harry sighed. He should have expected this earlier.

“What’s wrong, Harry? You’re never like this.” Liam asked gently.

“To be completely honest, Liam, I don’t really want to talk about it.” Harry replied irritably.

“Oh, um, well okay then. I guess I can respect that.” Liam furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He had never come across this problem before. Harry and Liam had always shared everything with each other.

“Well I mean if you ever want to talk…” Liam trailed off awkwardly.

Harry sighed guiltily, “Thank you, Liam. I didn’t mean to be so rude. It’s just…I’d rather sort this out on my own, ya know? And I don’t want you to think there’s anything wrong.”

“Oh, okay.” Liam said sounding a bit more chipper, “You want to work on the English homework?”

Harry nodded enthusiastically and they got to work. He felt a weight off his shoulders as things snapped back to normal.


The next day Harry would be lying if he said he wasn’t terrified to go to school that morning. The night before, Harry had stayed up tossing and turning and trying to get the image Louis’ stupid face out of his mind. Every time he thought of the drop out he felt dirty. Louis was everything he never wanted to be. So why couldn’t he get him out of his head?

Harry sat in his car a little longer than necessary, after he parked at school. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Hopefully, that was just a one-time thing and Louis wouldn’t be there that morning.

Harry got out of the car at a sluggish pace. He looked all around the parking lot and noted cheerfully that there was no sign of Louis, or even Zayn. With pep in his step, Harry headed towards the school.

Just as he was about to pass Zayn’s car, the driver and passengers doors opened. Harry froze like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide and lips spread apart. He watched helplessly, as Zayn and Louis stepped out of the car. To make matters worse, Harry was mere inches away the car they were exiting.

It took Louis no time to notice Harry’s presence. His face lit up with mischief and genuine delight. Louis stepped too close to Harry yet again and looked slightly upwards at his terrified face.

“Look, Zaynie, Curly couldn’t resist me.” Louis said with a sly smile.

Harry couldn’t help but take in Louis’ features, when he was not even a foot away from him. His toothy smile looked dangerous, but so sweet. The corners of his eyes crinkled up with glee, and Harry never wanted the tiny joyful lines to go away. Louis’ cheekbones were what really got Harry’s attention. They were so sharp and angular, yet girly and pretty. They contrasted shockingly with the tough image that Louis had so carefully built up around himself, and made Harry need more.

“Louis, you’re so annoying.” Zayn huffed and lit up a cigarette.

Louis rolled his eyes, before returning his attention to Harry, “Don’t act so surprised to see me, Curly. You knew I would be here. Youwantedme to be here.” He whispered huskily.

Harry swallowed heavily, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “I didn’t-I mean I didn’tknow-“, he attempted to speak.

“Look at you. I’ve got you so tongue-tied you can’t even speak.” Louis leaned just as close as he had yesterday, his lips brushing gently against the shell of Harry’s ear, “Imagine how much of a mess you would be if I were to touch.”

Harry gasped and bit down on his bottom lip so hard it bled. Louis took that as a yes, and he reached out a tanned hand to Harry’s stomach. Again, Harry was frozen, but this time he wasn’t sure that he even wanted to flee. Louis’ hand started moving down much too slowly. His hand traveled lewdly lower and lower almost to it’s destination.

The late bell rang out loudly through the air. Louis removed his hand reluctantly. He turned to Zayn and started talking to him as if nothing had just happened. Harry would’ve thought he had imagined the whole thing, if Louis hadn’t turned back around to face him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Curly.” Louis said huskily, adding his trademark wink. He took a cigarette from Zayn and lit it up.

Harry took this as his cue to leave, and he raced off to the school building. On his way to class, he stopped in the bathroom. He figured he was already late, so he might as well give himself a second to cool off.

Once in the solitary safety of the bathroom, Harry leaned against the wall and let himself slide down to the floor. Louis Tomlinson had single handedly turned his quick witted brain to mush.Louis Tomlinsonhad nearly touched him in an extremely sexual way. And Harry would be a dirty liar if he said that it hadn’t felt amazing. So much for never letting it happen again.

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