Chapter 6

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After thinking for a good hour, Sebastian thought of his sister, who was seriously ill. He thought that they had nothing to lose by trying to save her by turning her into a mermaid. He apologized to the marine family and ran off to join Feldcroft.

Sebastian hurriedly arrived at Feldcroft and burst into the house, explaining in rushed words the situation he was in and asking for his sister's help. At first, his sister didn't believe him, but Sebastian finally managed to convince her to apparate with him to the hangar, where the mermaids were still waiting. He quickly introduced his sister to them, and although she was initially bewildered by what she saw, she quickly regained her composure and asked someone calmer than her brother for a recap of the situation.

Meanwhile, Ominis shared his problem with his best friend, worried about the consequences of turning Anne into a mermaid. Sebastian reassured him that he was handling the situation. The mermaids, the triton, and the Pallow family agreed to leave together. Sebastian prepared himself again by taking off his T-shirt and shoes, ready to descend to Thalassa. However, his father intervened, coldly telling him that he would make the journey with him, and that his sister would go with the marine matriarch.

They spent long days swimming, and Thalassa managed to persuade her father to stop at night to allow the Pallows to rest. Humans tired more quickly, especially not being used to swimming all day. After several weeks of travel, the temple appeared before them, bringing smiles to everyone's faces.

When they arrived, the matriarch and the father stayed outside to ensure that there would be no problems. Thalassa, Anne, and Sebastian entered the temple hall, which was vast and magnificent, adorned with frescoes telling the story of the mermaids. Thalassa headed towards the center of the temple and introduced herself again. She said a prayer, explaining that she had returned with the request from the superiors.

Sebastian interrupted to ask if they could exchange their legs, giving the example of Anne in the water and Thalassa outside, and vice versa. The superiors thought about it and eventually accepted this condition. They explained that when Thalassa was wet with water other than the shower water, she would regain her tail, and Anne would get her legs back, losing any mermaid effects. The superiors also sensed that Anne was sick and allowed her to be treated during the agreement.

They began the journey back and eventually arrived after two weeks. Sebastian emerged from the water first and waited for Thalassa and her parents to return after looking for Ominis through the window. Thalassa climbed up and Anne stayed in the water. Thalassa emerged from the water, stepping back slightly. When Ominis arrived, he handed two towels to Sebastian, offering one to Thalassa. She began to dry herself.

They both took a silent moment for the transformation to work. A light emanated from her tail, and when it dissipated, she found herself with feet. Sebastian stood up next to her and reached out his hand to help her stand. She stumbled, but eventually embraced Sebastian. Both of them were happy.

The following months were filled with challenges for Thalassa. Learning to use her legs was a difficult and often frustrating task. Sebastian and Ominis were there at every step of the way, encouraging and supporting her in her efforts. Their constant presence brought her comfort and gave her the strength to persevere.

Anne was also a pillar of support for Thalassa. The two young women shared a special relationship, having both gone through major transformations to be together. Anne was always there for Thalassa, helping her adapt to her new condition while also learning to live on land herself.

Ominis had opened up to Sebastian about his feelings for Anne. Sebastian understood the importance of their relationship and helped facilitate regular meetings between Ominis and his sister. These shared moments strengthened the bonds between the four friends, creating mutual support and deep camaraderie.

Thalassa and Anne had found a perfect balance, juggling between their two worlds with grace and determination. They grew together, learning from each other and finding comfort in their shared love.

One day, Thalassa told Sebastian that she was pregnant. The news filled them with joy and excitement, further strengthening their bond. They were ready to face the challenges ahead as a family, knowing that they could rely on each other to overcome any obstacles.

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