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"I think that's enough... we'll continue tomorrow." hoshi said finally calling it a day off.

They were going to make a comeback in coming days and Hoshi was extra charged. He wouldn't let them go until he was satisfied with the choreo.

"Ughh.. I'm sooo tired." Gia said stretching her body to release some tension.

Yumei leaned on Arin's shoulder. "Me too."

They were in their practice room, some members were laying in different corners of the room, some were out of the practice room to get some snacks, while remaining were sitting together and were chitchatting.

"It's okay... I think we're just going home. Let's just rest alot. We can't be sick before comeback." Arin said.

"Anyways, Noona what are we having for dinner today?" asked Dino

"Let's order some takeout." Judith suggested packing her things up.

"How about we go for a tteokbokki date?" Gia excitedly stand up from her place.

"Noona, do you think we have any energy left after all these dance practices." Dino whined and rest of them nodded their head in agreement.

Gia leaned back and got busy with her phone. "Yahh, you all are so boring."

"Gia-yah, we can go together." Vernon said who came back with some coffee in his hand and sat beside her. He passed the coffee to rest of the members.

"That's my homie y'all." Gia gave a sarcastic look at all of them who just rejected her offer and bumped her fist with Vernon.

"Guys, let's go we're going home." Their manager announced and they all started to move out of the room collecting their things.

"I'm going to have the window seat, so you guys better leave it for me." Gia announced entering in van but Seungkwan who was before her quickly secured the only vacant window seat.

"Yah seungkwan-ah, better leave this seat." Gia said threatening him.

"It's not like your name is written here." Seungkwan said with all the sass he has.

"Hajima, don't fight like kids.." Jeonghan tried to resolve the ✨ matter ✨.

"Hyung, ask him to leave this seat, even in morning he had the window seat." Gia stomped her foot while rest of the members were enjoying the drama that was going on.

"Yahh, you guys better take your seats or I'll drop both of you out of the bus." Arin finally stood up from her place and it was sign for both of them to end the fight.

"Gia-yah, come here... Take my seat." Mingyu said shifting to the next seat leaving the window seat for her.

Gia sat beside Mingyu and rest of their journey went with peaceful silence.


Living room was full with members and they were having their dinner. Usually it's Mingyu and Dokyeom who cook food in dorm but considering the current hectic schedule, Scoups ordered food online.

"Where's Gia, Seungkwan and Vernon?" Jeonghan asked noticing their absence.

"They're not at home.... probably having dinner outside." Arin replied

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