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Fuck.....Our powers aren't working on the Monster. "So....Anyone got a plan?" Aries Asked. That's New. "Nah...." Gemini said exhausted from all the fighting we did. She used most of her powers compared to others. "The Only time our Attacks did a damage was When Aries and Gemini did a Mixed move" Leo said sitting on the floor. "Yeah. Other then that...All of our other moves been nothing but just making the Monster lose his balance" Capricorn said Pointing at the Bull head Monster. Anyhow we managed to capture that Bull head by the help of Cap but we aren't able to cause any damage to him. Right now He's locked up in a Cage made by Cap but that isn't going to keep him there forever. We need to cause damage to him no matter what. Then I see Scorpio and Taurus were coming towards us. "Hey...You..Okay..?" Taurus asked Leo and Gemini who were lifelessly lying on the floor. "Yeah-" Gemini said but Leo butted in and said "No". "Most probably.... Nobody's Okay" Aries said sitting with his hands behind him on the ground for support. "Okay....?" Taurus said crabbing a candy 🍬 from her pocket, putted it in her mouth and started to chew on it. "Whatever. We are here to explain the plan to everyone that my sister made" Scorpio said to all of us. "Cancer made?" Capricorn asked. "Well....Cancer has the most strategic mind among all of us a.k.a the Mastermind" I said to Capricorn remembering the last time Cancer used her Mastermind brain. It was last summer during a Paint fight. We were divided among 2 teams and Of course Our team won because of Cancer. "Yeah. Yeah. We know. Now can you tell the plan?" Aries said. ""Please" is made for a reason Aries" Gemini said still lying on the ground. "But, That's not in his dictionary Gemini" Leo said sarcastically. Gemini chuckled and said "Yeah. Right. Sorry Aries." "You better buy a new dictionary" Leo added that made everyone laugh. "SHUT UP" Aries said. Gemini jokingly put a Finger on her lips and Leo jokingly surrendered his hands in defeat. "Uhh...Scorpio was going to tell us a plan right?" I said pointing towards Scorpio. " I totally forgot" Leo said putting his hands down. "Now, If you allow me can I tell the plan?" Scorpio said gaining all of our attention. "You better hurry that cage ain't gonna keep that Bull monster forever" Leo said pointing to the cage. "Yes, Your Majesty. Your wish is my command" Scorpio said bowing down. Of course to make fun of Leo. I wonder how Leo would react. "You may Raise your head" Leo answered smiling. "Woah~~~" Everyone said in awe. That was....kinda unexpected. "Your Move backfired Bro" Aries said Smirking. Scorpio rolled his eyes. "Guys.... Aren't we forgetting something?" Taurus said. She finished Her candy. "Hurry tell the plan or else they'll again get distracted" I said. We sat in a circle and Scorpio told us the plan. "THAT plan is made by CANCER??!!" Cap said shocked. Honestly I was Shocked too. I even suspect that this plan is made by Scorp but to make us follow it he's using Cancer's name. "THEN WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR??!!" Aries said. No. Shouted. "LET'S EXECUTE THE PLAN" Aries said× Aries shouted✓ again. We all stood up ready to fight again. "Wait for us" Libra shouted from behind. We turned around to see Libra, Cancer, Aquarius, Pisces and Virgo coming. When they reached us Gemini immediately asked Aquarius "You sure want Fight?? You are injured". "Yes. And the wound is completely Healed. Thanks to Pisces" Aquarius said giving Gemini a reassuring smile. Thank God. She's fine. I was gonna ask her about her health but....Nevermind. "What about you Virgo. Where were you??" Taurus asked sounding like a Big sister scolding his Younger brother for sneaking out. "I sent him to hunt monsters. Afterall, we are still in training and we want to win" Cancer Replied instead of Virgo. "Okay, Nevermind. Can we now focus on the fight?" I said. "We've got a Building's height Bull monster to defeat" I added. Everyone just nod. Virgo constructed and gave Aquarius 2 katanas. Libra 2 daggers. Pisces a Sword.


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