
7 1 0

My love is true, but not as bright
As the gold fixed within
heaven's hair.

I look at your eyes turned suns
and blind myself
All night long...
Or maybe it's day

You grasp me hard
like you may lose me to
The ugly gravity that presses us
And it makes me reach
Towards the place
Where eternal life used to be.

I squeeze the moisture
from the damp air
With fists clenched
Abreast the sheets below

And I know

That each time the gold fixed
In heaven's hair falls just over those suns,
Swaying back and forth with me,
Warming my body with your ravenous gaze
It means you love me
    Brighter than heaven
    Brighter than suns

    Better than man.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2024 ⏰

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