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Draco Malfoy sat up in the empty bed, odd for a Saturday morning.

He shared his home with two other people, His husband of ten years and their adopted daughter, Haydely. People often turned towards them, when the three of them went out on public. Gay families weren't that common in the city they lived in. So, very little gay men had adopted. They were the second in their state to adopted a child and the child they adopted was a very dark skinned girl.
Harry was tan, but nothing like the girl they adopted two years ago. Draco Malfoy was very opposite of the young girl also, with his pale skin and blonde hair. So, going out publicly, were difficult with their little girl.

Draco grabbed his clothes and started to get dressed, stripping his sleep attire and changing for the cool autumn day. It was only a few days before their daughter would be enrolled in primary school, a challenge they were sure they were ready for with the looks they got daily.


"Daddy!" Giggly the five year old girl as Draco turned into the kitchen. Draco smiled at the girl as Harry helped her out of the chair she'd been standing on to help Harry cook breakfast. She giggled and hurried to him, getting picked up. Draco settled her on his hip. "Hermione can't watch her tonight." Harry said, not stopping the creaking of the eggs into the mixing bowl. "Oh. Is everything alright?" Draco asked, as Haydely got comfortable, resting her head on his shoulder. "Another fight I'd say. Says maybe tomorrow." Harry said. "What's the point in that?" Draco asked, knowing their late night activities can't last long on a work night. Harry just shrugged his shoulders, starting to stir the eggs. "I can see if mum can watch her, again." Draco said. "Like I need another reason for your father to complain. It's fine." Harry mumbled, that's went Haydely was sat on her feet. "Go play until we all for you." Draco said, giving the small girl a push to the hallway. She then hurried her little legs to the bedroom, her door magical locked behind her.


Harry felt the kiss to his neck and relaxed just a bit. "We shouldn't..." Harry said. "She won't got out. I know when you need some release, turn, daddy." Draco said softly in his ear. "You know she'll flip out if she learns she can't get out." Harry said. "I don't need that long." Draco said, watching his husband sat down the mixing bowl and turned around. Draco's hands unzipped the blue jeans Harry wore and worked Harry's length out of the boxers and zipper hole of the jeans.
Harry had his morning shower, the body wash smell still lingered on his skin. Draco gave a light kiss to the tip before he locked his lips around the tip and slowly started to move his head. It didn't take long for Harry to lock his rough hands into Draco's blond hair, holding him more on his cock then not. "Such a good little boy." Harry encouraged the man he had his hands hair tangled in. Draco just hummed, as he continued to bob his head back and forth, somewhere. Harry didn't want him to pull off very far, leaving the most of his cock in Draco's throat. Draco had long lost his gag reflex, for many reasons like this. Harry was a deep throat fucker and often times Draco spent less time breathing and more time sucking the cock in his throat. "Still." Harry ordered. Draco knew that meant Harry wanted the control. Draco did a final, long suck, before he stopped his movements.
Harry's hands locked in his hair, a soft kiss was placed to the top of his head, before Harry started to move his hips, a bit roughly to start off with a throat fuck. Draco made a couple noises, before he got used to the rough treatment, taking a ragy, quick breath when Harry backed himself up just enough to allow a bit of air down his throat. Harry continued his movements, until he became sloppy, and his cock grew to it max in the throat of the man under his control. Draco knew it meant Harry was close, which was just on time, the young girl in the house was yelling for her daddy though the door that wouldn't open for her. She was hungry and didn't want to play anymore. "You better drink it all up, like a good little boy." Harry groaned out, holding Draco's nose to his crotch, until he had finished spilling his seed inside the throat of his husband.

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