Hospital Love

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Draco Malfoy laid in the hospital bed, flipping through the channels on the old crappy television the hospital gave him. Nothing was ever on this time of morning and he couldn't go back to sleep, he just couldn't. He felt weak, but he slept all he could the night beforehand.

Draco was always sick child, in and out of hospital most of his childhood, so spending time on the hospital was nothing new to the young man.
When Draco's lungs finally got to weak, form all the illnesses he faced over the years, he went on a transplant list. Against recommendation, Draco tried to complete his last year of university, at just 20 years old. Being homeschooled until he was sixteen, gave him the opportunity to get caught up, and surpass students his own age. He convinced his parents to allow him to go to university. It went well until his last year, when he got pneumonia and the flu, together. It was just to much and nearly killed him. His parents tried to force him out of university, but he wouldn't allow that to happen. They couldn't legally do anything, because Draco was an adult. They fought daily, until Draco left home.
It took over a week before Draco went back home, telling them he wasn't a child. He was going to die anyway, he wanted to live what he could. That meant going to university. They were forced to deal with the choices of their only child.
Unfortunately, Draco got sick, again, landing him in the hospital, needed to be watched closely by the doctors, because his blood wasn't getting all the oxygen it needed sometimes. Draco was high on the transplant list, but he had little hopes he'd make it that far.

Draco only wanted one thing and it was highly inappropriate, he knew this, but he couldn't help it.

Like clockwork, the surgical intern for the hospital came to do his morning rounds. Dr. Potter always came early to his room, so they could talk longer. The highlight of Draco's morning.
Dr. Potter was in his Frist year of residency, Draco guessed him to be 28 or so. Draco didn't care just how old he was, he simply wanted the one thing he never had and he wanted that with this man. This Doctor. The person the young man had been thinking about since his hospital stay this last time.

Dr. Potter was drawing his blood, asking the normal question to the blond. Mostly about the last of the school work he needed to finish before the summer break at the university started. Draco lost interest in any real conversation, just studying the man before him. "Draco." Dr. Potter said, for the fifth time, the first time Draco actually heard him. "Hum?" Draco said, with Rosey cheeks. Dr. Potter just gave him a light smile. "I'll let you rest now. I'll be back later to check on you, okay?" He asked. "Why...are you hurrying off?" Draco asked getting a sigh form Harry. "Because it's time...for you to get another doctor, Mr. Malfoy. I should have before, when I first thought you were watching me." Dr. Potter said. "You were talking, Dr. Potter." Draco said. "You and I both know, the thoughts you have aren't appropriate for such a place, Mr. Malfoy." Dr. Potter said.


After a week, Dr. Potter's boss (and Godfather.), Dr. Lupin, found him in the locker room, getting ready for his day. "What's the reason you requested a transfer of Mr. Malfoy." He asked. "I told you why. I was certain of his feelings for me and I can't say I wouldn't reject those feelings." Dr. Potter said. "I'm willing to take that risk. He is refusing care. He won't make it to see a transplant if he keeps up this behavior." Dr. Lupin said. "Have you called his parents?" He asked, turning to face his uncle. "Of course, Harry. Take him back, alright?" He asked and with a sigh. "Uncle it's not appropriate." Dr. Potter said back. "I'll take that risk, rather then his death. Go. Talk to him, I cleared your morning hours." Dr. Lupin said. "Very well, uncle."


Harry Potter pushed opened the door to the private hospital room Draco Malfoy's parents paid to keep him in. The lights were off and so was the television. "Away." Draco mumbled in a very weak voice. Harry knew he didn't have his oxygen on. Harry walked over to the wall and got the mask off it. Draco seen it was Harry, so he did roll on his backside, shutting his eyes. He didn't fight Harry putting the mask on his face, turning the oxygen on high.

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