Chapter three: Attraction

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Y/n felt her body grow tense with anxiety and frustration as the man continued to walk away from her.
She couldn't understand why he hadn't yet said anything to her. She felt like she was being kept in a confusing Limbo, not knowing whether he wanted to talk to her or if she should leave him alone. She was confused and felt unsure of her next move. The man kept walking away until she was suddenly jolted in her thoughts as he stopped again.

As she looked up, he was standing in front of a building and was now facing her.
Y/n was a bit startled by this sudden change in direction while the man still hadn't said a word to her. She felt a sudden surge of energy and determined to break the silence herself.
She called out to him, her voice trembling slightly with emotion and hope.

"Excuse me, can I talk to you for a minute?"
She was a bit surprised by herself for actually speaking first, but she also felt relieved that the silence was finally broken.

The man was silent for a moment before speaking in a deep voice.
"Sure, what is it."
Y/n felt instantly nervous now that she had spoken first and that his response was so brief. She felt unsure of what to say next but pushed through her nervousness and spoke anyways.

"I...I just wanted to ask you..."
Y/n was feeling very anxious now as it was clear that he wasn't going to say anything else or start the next conversation. She didn't want to give up just yet though and kept pushing for more of a response from him.

"I was just wondering...if it wouldn't be too much trouble... would you mind telling me about yourself?" Y/n was feeling so nervous about asking this question. She felt the blood rushing through her veins and her heart pounding in her chest as she patiently waited for his answer.

The man continued to look at her for what seemed like an eternity before finally breaking the silence again.
"You first. Tell me about yourself."
This was not the response that Y/n was expecting and she felt the blood rushing to her face as she felt like she missed her chance to ask him anything about himself.

"W... well... My name is Y/n, if you didn't already know that from earlier,"
She started to explain, feeling a strong urge to make small talk with him.
"and I...I am actually to be a writer, so I usually come up with ideas for my stories. And..." She stopped suddenly, feeling embarassed and nervous about revealing so much of herself to him already.

"I'm sorry I'm talking so much," Y/n said quickly after realizing that she was rambling.
"I just thought that since I have already told you so much about myself maybe you could tell me a little bit about yourself too? It's only fair..."
She was beginning to become a bit agitated that the man showed no signs of responding or sharing anything about himself with her.

"Please?" Y/n was trying to stay patient and not make it seem like she was demanding too much of him.
"I know you don't have to tell me anything, but it would be nice to learn a bit about you too."

The man finally broke his silence and spoke once more.
"Why do you want to know about me so much?"

Y/n became a bit nervous by the sudden directness of his question and she didn't know what to say next.

"I just... I just want to know you better."
She felt like she wasn't getting anywhere and was feeling frustrated that the man was giving so back to the conversation. After a moment of silence, She spoke again.

"I... I want to know what you like to do, what you care about, how you live your life. I want to know more about the person behind those Deep brown eyes."

The man seemed to pause and process her sentence for a moment of time.

"I see. Is it not enough that you know my appearance? Why must you know more about me?"

His answer were starting to make her a bit uncomfortable. It was like he didn't want her to learn about him. She was beginning to feel like she was making a mistake by trying to reach out to him.

"I, I want to get to know you on a deeper level,"
She couldn't think of a reason that didn't make her sound weird or needy.

"It... It's just that I feel like there is something special about you, this attraction I feel towards you... I just want to know more about you. I feel like I need to learn more about the person behind those Deep brown eyes. Is... Is that wrong?"

She was starting to feel more emotional and frustrated as her speech grew more frantic.

The man stared at her for a long moment of time before finally speaking again.

"No, it's not wrong."

His unexpected reply took her by suprise and she felt a bit relieved that he had seemingly opened up slightly. Y/n felt like their conversation was finally going in a slightly more positive direction, but she had no idea what to expect after this response.

The man was waiting for her to continue the conversation, and Y/n felt a sudden jolt of a adrenaline flow through her veins as she realized that the ball was now in her court to keep the momentum of the conversation going.

Y/n thought for a moment before speaking again.
"Can I ask you one more question?"
"What is your name?"
She finally asked the question she had been wanting to ask him since she first met him. The tension built inside her with each passing moment of silence, and she really hoped he would respond to this one.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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