Part 5 - Faint

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Shubman came back to the room feeling nauseous. He was surprised to find Ishan had already left. Usually, post parties Ishan would be asleep until at least late afternoon. Was this an effort to avoid him? He hoped not. That would be just.. sad.

He checked his messages - there was one from Ishan, he had just mentioned that he was going out. It was not something Ishan did often, going anywhere without him. But maybe he needed some space to clear his head. He could give him that much.

He typed out a reply and erased, just as he started to retype, he felt an urge to throw up. He rushed to the bathroom leaving his phone on the bed. After he threw up multiple times he was too tired to move. He just came back to the bed and passed out. He knew he was unconscious for a while only because when he opened his eyes Siraj was there with the team medics.

Siraj had apparently banged on the door until he tried the handle only to realize it wasn't locked which was good because it meant Shubman was attended to sooner than later.

Shubman hadn't noticed Virat bhai on the other side until he asked "Where is Ishan?"

"He has gone on a date" Siraj said but realized what he had said and shot a worried look at Shubman. Shubman felt his insides freeze. His whole body had gone numb, unable to react.

"What? In this country??"

"Yeah, he said it's some old family friend of his"

"Could be meeting a friend miyaan, why did you say it's a date?" Virat was eyeing Shubman worriedly.

The medics suggested they take Shubman to the hospital so that's what they did.

"Did you inform Ishan?"

"Hey don't do that bhaiyya, let him have a good day. He'll just be worried if you tell him now and try to come back"

Siraj and Virat looked at Shubman confused. "Don't you think he'll want to know?"

"Yeah" Shubman said quietly. Then said "but I'm totally fine, why ruin his date, bhaiyya"

"It's probably not a date Kake"

Shubman shrugged. Virat and Siraj exchanged concerned looks. That was so unlike Shubman that they couldn't wrap their head around it.

Shubman who wouldn't let someone else sit near Ishan while eating. There's been instances of him asking team mates to exchange places to be with Ishan even if it were for a few minutes they had to be apart. Shubman who would be seething with jealousy if Ishan so much as praised others. Was this that Shubman?

//They were lounged in their room playing games.

Shubman had just won and was being all smug about it. Ishan had thrown the controller on  to the bed in frustration while Shubman sniggered. He pulled Ishan to his side wrapped his hands around his neck.

"Don't worry darling.. I'll let you win in the next one.. because it's the only way you're going to win" Shubman giggled but was promptly stopped by an elbow in his stomach.

"Ouchhhh" he screamed in an exaggerated fashion like the spoilt (by Ishan) brat he was.

Ishan rolled his eyes but also rubbed Shubman's stomach.

"Oh darling, If you wanted to touch my abs you should've just told me."

He lifted his shirt taking Ishan's hands to put on his. Ishan had taken his hand off him as if burnt and turned his face away.

"What happened, Ish Kish?" Shubman turned Ishan around only to find him smiling. Shubman was relieved when Ishan nodded he was okay.

"I was just thinking.. I should go on a date.."

Shubman was eerily quiet, Ishan turned to look at him properly.

"Remember the girl I told you about, the one I met at a brand event. She messaged me recently."

Shubman was looking at him with a straight face. Ishan furrowed his eyebrows. "Say something man"

"Uh.. yeah I guess.. if you want to go"

"Why do you sound like that..? You don't think it's a good idea?"

Shubman smiled, "I never think it's a good idea to be apart from you for even 2 minutes"

Ishan smacked him on his hands. "I'm being serious you idiot"

"Ouch.. Ishan it hurts to think you don't think I'm serious. I'm offended" he pouted. Ishan laughed out loud.

"You're such an idiot. But lucky for you.. you're my idiot." Ishan shook his head.

Shubman was now smiling ear to ear, dimples on full display.

"I want to give it a try, Gill. This girl, she seemed nice." Shubman's smile had dropped off his face like it was never there.

"Shubman yaar.. tell me what's on your mind. Why do you hate it when I want to go on dates"

Shubman took a moment to contemplate. "I feel like other than playing cricket, every minute not spent with you is a waste of time"

Ishan shook his head. "I really want to give this a try Shub.."

"You don't need my permission, you know?"

"Why does it feel like I do?? I've never had to convince anybody to do something I've wanted like I had to with you"

Shubman was relieved that Ishan was still looking at him fondly despite his every attempt to ruin his dating plans.

"You know if we keep this going, we will prove everyone right.. we'll get no girl to date us"

"As long as I have you I don't care.. do you?"

Ishan looked at Shubman long suffering., "I don't either.." he sighed.

"There" Shubman said cheerily.

"But yaar, I really want to give this a try. "

"Then give it a try"

Ishan looked up at Shubman's face, it was neutral. Ishan prodded him. "Are you ok for real?"

"What are we Ish?"

"Best friends"

"Why do you need my permission to go?"

"I don't know. It doesn't feel right if you're not ok"

"Are you telling me you won't go on a date unless I approve?" Shubman was smiling.

"As stupid as it sounds, that's exactly what I mean"

"You love me too much"

"I do, you idiot"

Shubman jolted awake, he was alone in the hospital room, he looked at the iv bag, it was halfway done.

Why did he dream of that day? Ishan had gone on that date but Shubman had sulked and pouted until his teammates were ready to throw him off a mountain. He was that insufferable. He hadn't messaged Ishan, he wasn't that bad, but someone had and Ishan had come right back to take care of him being a big baby.

Today, he didn't want Ishan to have to cut anything short. The realization that he was hopelessly in love with Ishan had given him clarity. Everything had made sense then, the possessiveness, the jealousy, the hurt. Not to say he wasn't a little hurt that Ishan hadn't told him about the date but he could at least see why he hadn't told him. That was saying something.

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