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Yin "test tube you have to put us back together"
Test tube "but yin, I thought you couldn't stand yang"
Yin"I can't, but we need to be together! somebody had to control his anger "
Test tube "okay, luckily I just happened to make an antidote, drink up! "
Yang "huh, no way you losers!
Knife " gimme that! It's payback time, grrr! ,  kniferific! ".knife shoves the potion in yangs mouth and yin picks up the bottle and drinks it but instead of it working and their back together in one body with a happy ending... But it's far from a happy ending. They drink it but nothing happened "What? That should have worked" test tube said with a mix of surprise and annoyance yin and yang just say there with a look of sickness on there face. Yang stands up clutching his head from the pain as yin  just sits there with a dead look in his eyes like a corps "y yin are you ok? You don't look to good" test tube tries to walk over to yin to check on him but is knocked over by knife as he chases the fleeing yang. With each step Yang's head throbs but he couldn't be caught, he was finally free but soon he couldn't run much longer, it felt like he was going to explode from the pain like his body was rotting on the inside, he fell to the ground from the pain his whole body burned then it all went black. "It hurts so much" yin  mumbled as test tube got up " y-yin are you ok, you don't look to good at all" test tube says with concern and slowly approaches yin then yin lunges towards test tube test tube lands on the ground hard, making cracks in her body yin tries to bite test tube "y-yin what are you doing, cut it out, this isn't you yin" test tube fights off yin  barely escaping. Knife runs out of the woods as yang chases behind trying to attack knife "test tube get up and run NOW!" Knife pulls test tube us as he runs yin and yang chases behind. Soon they reach the rest of the contestants, yin jumps at cherries and sinks his teeth in and cherries eye's turn dead and they start attacking "EVERYONE TO THE HOTEL NOW! " knife leads everyone inside of the hotel.
OJ look confused "are you guys ok, I heard screaming" "zombies, there's zombies!" Knife has panic in his voice. OJ looks at him like he's crazy "he's right, the undead is out there" test tube looks guilty and scared "I gave them an antidote so they could be in one body again and and it turned them into the undead, I didn't mean to I I was just trying to help by splitting them into separate body's not trying to turn them into zombies when they wanted to be together again"fan tries to comfort test tube " it's ok, , I'm sure it's all going to be-" he's cut off by a scream coming from outside "microphone, she's still out here" knife runs out the doors "nope I can't let him be out there alone, I don't want him get hurt" pickle follows knife. "Mic where are you-" a Lazer is shot at him so he jumps back "oh heavens sake, I thought you were an undead monster" taco had her usual snarky tone "how did you know I was here" mic tilts her head to the side "definitely not the ear shattering scream definitely not that" knife paces back and forth then he stops from the sound of a gasp "uh hello? Any one here" knife looks around. Pickle is breathing fast hiding in a bush his mind raced with thoughts  about how did he just see taco and knife was talking causally to her and how wait test tube just caused the zombie apocalypse and is the apocalypses going to spread across the world or right I just saw ta- her I just saw her or maybe it was someone else it couldn't be her and if so why wouldn't knife tell me I mean were friends right?. "Oh I'm sure it was just an animal and microphone get out of that tree you look ridiculously" taco says with snarkiness in her voice "but when about the zombies, how are you not scared".pickle let's out a yell as he sees yin it causes knife to quickly turn around spotting pickle then yin as he walks towards them, taco quickly raises the Lazer gun " no don't shoot! M-maybe we can save him" microphone pleaded, taco rolls her eyes and doesn't shoot instead she throws a rock behind yin and yin runs towards the noise, they don't seem to notice knife talking to pickle "I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you, I promise I would have-" "I thought you were my friend!, I'm sorry i just can't comprehend to see taco it's been... A while" pickle stared at the ground "p pickle" taco was in shock to see him, her eyes watered slightly, she didn't know whether to run up to him or hide whether to feel happy or nervous whether to pretend to be snarky to him or show how she really feels right now, she runs to him and he backs up "I know your not happy to see me b but that's ok you can get the real me instead of that fake idiotic version of me and and-" pickle glares at taco as she rambles on "taco just stop j- just stop, please" taco backs up realizing that she is just hurting him more. At the hotel everyone was terrified especially after knife and pickle ran out side, no one knows if there gunna be back. Salt and pepper held on to each other trying to comfort each other as OJ tries to calm down the terrified paper "hey it's ok I'm sure it's a prank, cherries love pulling their pranks" OJ says with a smile. He tries to stay his confident self but even he was a little scared whether he was going to admit it or not. Some didn't think much of it such as trophy.

(I didn't know how to end the chapter. I have never posted a story before so uh I hope it's good😃. I'll update as frequently as possible and there will be a better cover soon it's just talking forever to draw)

 I'll update as frequently as possible and there will be a better cover soon it's just talking forever to draw)

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