Hantengu clones x y/n

58 0 3

This lovely request was made by a wonderful person named saberbladeprime <3
Type: fluff

As it was almost winter, it started to get cold. You, and Sekido decided to plan a small trip to the Saunas. As you two declared it to the others. Karaku was overwhelmed as he never went to a hot srpong before. Urogi flying around with excitement almost crashing into the T.V, he got the scolding of his life by Sekido. Aizetsu the mature one, just nodded, and went to prepare the bags for towels. You were just sitting on the couch. Yrogi and Karaku were fighting over who will sit beside you.

Sekido: "Just go into the back seat and put y/n in middle, or are you to dumb to think that?"

Karaku: "oh yeah:D"

Sekido: "dumbass"

Urogi: :3

You just drank coke, watching the drama calm down. Aizetsu took the car keys and told us to get down. You, along with the others walked down the stairs, then you all sat inside the car. Aizetsu started the car, and drove to the sauna.
Karaku was blasting 'barbie girl' in the car and singing it. You just went through it, and Sekido was just internally screaming amd raging, while holding Urogi's legs, so he doesn't fly off from the window.
Aizetsu, the calm boy just focused on the road. You were looking outside the window, looking at mesmerizing view.

All of them reached there. Urogi just nudged off Sekido's hand, and flew to the sauna. While you ran after him. Sekido ran after you two, lastly catching you in his hands by both of your collars.

Urogi: Man that was fun

Y/N: Hehahha

Sekido: You pushed me on the seats and flew off!

Urogi: Push is such a strong word, I'll say I gave you litte nudge~

Sekido: Oh I'll give you a little nudge when I shove my foot up your ass-

Y/N, Aizetsu: (0_0)?

Karaku: *sniff* THE BROMANCE-

AT LAST... all of you went to the sauna. You all sat there, it seemed to get hot, really hot. But in a good way. Your muscles all got relaxed, as you enjoyed it. Urogi, was holding giving the Emergency Button, the fish eye perspective for no reason.
Aizetsu just relaxed beside you, so did Karaku  with his hand around your waist. Sekido was just sitting, questioning life choices.

Karaku, gave Urogi a little pushing making him fall face flat on the floor.

Urogi: You BETCH


Sekido: Stop laughing so hard- be serious! Are you okay?

Aizetsu: *breathes*

Karaku: BAHAHA-

Y/N: This is so peaceful

You said with sarcasm dripping down your voice.

Aizetsu: I can taste the sarcasm rn

Y/N: lol

Urogi: I want waffle fries

Karaku: cry.

Urogi: 😃--->😭


Sekido: I am gonna  punch the next person, who speaks istg-

Aizetsu, smirks (Sekido loves him because he is the calmest): So Y/N-


Karaku: You did not-

Sekido: why are we still here...? Just to suffer...

After all that activities, you leaned back, and relaxed. The others did the same, as Karaku almost fell asleep. Sekido looked having the time of his life.

And at the end of the day, you all came back, tired. Somehow. You all snuggled uo in the blanket and fell asleep.


I hope that was good😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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