Part 6

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The group are walking through a area where there are ice spikes everywhere. Frida has already tripped twice and would have fell on a spike if it wasn't for Olaf. Each time Olaf saved her he muttered something along the line of "Elyas wouldn't like that."

"So, how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?" Kristoff asks the two girls. 

Anna smiles. "Oh, I am gonna talk to my brother."

Frida sighs and picks up her pace a little. "I just want to be there for him." After saying that Frida frowns. Maybe they need to work on what they are going to say to him. 

"That's your plan?" Kristoff doesn't think it's such a great plan either. "My ice business is riding on you talking to your brother and being there for him." Kristoff mocks Frida words. 


Frida has to hold in a laugh as Kristoff almost loses his nose to an ice spike. "So, you're not at all afraid of him?"

Both the girls shake their head but only Anna talks. "Why would I be?"

"Yeah," Olaf giggles and starts walking backward. "I bet he's the nicest gentlest, warmest person ever." Olaf walks into a spike and laughs. "Oh, look at that. I've been impaled."

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Frida gasps as she stands at the bottom of an ice staircase that leads to a castle made out of ice. Frida only has one word going through her head, beautiful. Just like Elyas. 

"Woah, that's ice. I might cry." 

"Go ahead. I won't judge." 

"I will." Frida says before she goes up the giant staircase.  

Frida is first to the giant door and goes to knock on it but it pushes itself open. Frida gasps and takes a couple of steps inside while Anna talks to the two boys before following her. 

"Ready to go upstairs?" Frida asks to Anna looking around. 

Anna nods her head but doesn't say anything before towards the stairs. "Elyas?" Anna was about to call out again, but Elyas appears at the top of the stairs. 

"Anna?" Elyas gives Anna a weak smile, not yet noticing Frida. 

Frida holds in a gasp when she sees Elyas, he looks good. His hair no longer gel back and his new outfit that fits him well. 

Anna also noticed the change. "Whoa, Elyas, you look different. It's a good different. And this place..."

"It's amazing." Frida finishes for Anna causing Elyas to look at her for the first time. 

Elyas lips part as he looks at Frida, is there ever a time where she doesn't look beautiful? Elyas walks down the stair to be in front of Frida. He moves his hand as if he was to lay it upon her cheek but deicides against it and he uses his knuckle to move hair away from her face. 

Frida softly sighs and gently grabs his hand and places it on her face. "It's okay, you won't hurt me." She whispers never looking away from his eyes. Elyas freezes for a second before he puts his other hand on the other side of her face causing her to smile.

His thumb gently goes over the cut she has on her face, and he frowns. "I did that."

Frida puts her hands over his and just barely shakes her head. "No, no, you didn't mean too."

"But it still happened." Elyas pulls back ignoring the protest from Frida. "You should go." 

"Sixty!" Olaf comes running into the castle. 

Elyas backs up the staircase. "What's that?" 

"Hi!" Olaf jumps as he runs. "I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!"

Elyas looks confused. "Olaf?" 

Olaf stands next to Frida. "Yeah. You built me." Olaf smiles. "Remember that?" 

"And your... Alive?" 

Olaf looks at his arms. "I think so." 

Anna bends down to Olafs height. "Just like the one we built as kids."

Frida slightly flinches as she remembers that night. 

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Elyas slipped on the ice, knocking both him and Frida over as Anna jumps again. "Anna! Slow down!" Elyas accidently hits Anna with his power as Frida's head slams on the ground making everything black for a second. "Anna! Frida!" 

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Elyas was thinking the same thing. "No, you have to go. Goodbye, Anna. Goodbye, my Frida." Elyas rushes back up the stairs. 

"Elyas wait." Both Anna and Frida follow Elyas up the stairs. 

"Elyas, please, you don't have to come back, just don't make me leave." Elyas didn't hear her over his thoughts. 

Anna follows Elyas closely. "Please don't slam the door
You don't have to keep your distance anymore
'Cause for the first time in forever
I finally understand
For the first time in forever
We can fix this hand in hand
We can head down this mountain together
You don't have to live in fear
'Cause for the first time in forever
I will be right here."

Elyas rushes up the stairs not listening to his sister or friend. "Please go back home
Your life awaits
Go enjoy the sun
And open up the gates
You mean well
But leave me be
Yes, I'm alone but I'm alone and free
Just stay away and you'll be safe from me."

"Actually, we're not."

"What do you mean you're not?"

"Maybe the right time is not now."

"I get the feeling you don't know."

"What do I not know?"

"Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep snow."

Frida looks around and sees that it has started snowing inside the castle and that's its only getting worst. She doesn't know what to do. 

"I'm such a fool
I can't be free."

"You don't have to be afraid."

"No escape from the storm inside of me"

"We can work this out together."

"I can't control the curse."

"We'll reverse the storm you've made."

"Anna, please, you'll only make it worse."

"Don't panic"

"There's so much fear."

"We'll make the sunshine bright."

"You're not safe here."

"We can face this thing together
We can change this winter weather
And everything will be..."

"I can't!" Elyas let out the magic he was holding in, hitting both Anna and Frida in the heart.  

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