Chapter 28 ~ Ludmila and Violetta talk:

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Leon woke up and went straight to the office but before he left he made Violetta a cup of coffee put her breakfast on the tray at the bottom of the bed and left a note.

Violetta: Great I can't move, *Pulls the tray onto her lap*

Violetta ate her breakfast and ludmila texted her saying that she was meeting Federico, and she would visit her after that, so Violetta laid down on the bed and texted Leon but he didn't answer

With Fedemila:

Ludmila: Hello Federico

Federico: *Not caring* look just give me the damn ring so I can leave

Ludmila: why are you so harsh to me?

Federico: You seriously ask me that Ludmila? Do you forget you cheated on me with that doofus

Ludmila: But I love you, Federico, that's why I'm here to show you that I love you, if I loved Felipe I wouldn't have come today I would just threw the ring away but I didn't I'm giving it to you

Federico: Look nothing changes between us Ludmila what you did hurt me do you know how you made me feel? You made me feel as if I wasn't enough for you and obviously I'm not

Ludmila: No but Federico you are enough for me I love only you what did with Felipe was a mistake, he doesn't make me feel anything like you do

Federico: well it's too late I'm with someone else now

Ludmila: but you don't love her like you love me Fede

Federico: How do you know if I don't love her like I loved you? I can tell you something she's more better than you

Ludmila: Why huh? Because she the nicest girl ever this is me Federico I can't change for anyone your right it's better we are apart where Felipe accepts me for me not as someone I'm not

Federico: What? All I asked was to change your attitude towards me because it was harsh nothing about changing your beauty or your style just your attitude towards me

Ludmila: *Gives him the engagement ring* Here give it to your new love and now I can forget about you and move on with my life with Felipe.

Federico: That's all I ask of you

Ludmila started to cry as she watched Federico walk away, then she made her way to Violetta's house and Violetta tried walking down the stairs but she was hurting so she made it to the door and Ludmila marched in and Violetta was closing the door but she was in pain so she walked to the sofa with Ludmila

Ludmila: I've lost him, now I have to live with myself and never look at him.

Violetta: *Confused* huh? Who have you lost?

Ludmila: FEDERICO!!!!! Keep up Violetta.

Violetta: Hey don't shout at me I was only asking.

Ludmila: he doesn't want anything to with me ever again.

Violetta: Look Ludmila I promised Leon I wouldn't get involved besides I'm trying to recover and I can't make you move on and I can't make you love Felipe you have to do all this on your own you have to figure this out on your own I'm sorry but I can't help you all I can tell you my advice and it's up to you to take it or not.

Ludmila: Violetta remember when we kissed here?

Violetta: you kissed me Ludmila.

Ludmila: yeah, anyway have you been thinking about it?

Violetta: No because I don't have feelings for you, please leave Ludmila I need to rest and your stressing me out, Leon will be home soon.

Ludmila: Okay, fine but I haven't stopped thinking of you.

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