Ch 23: The debt

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"The spell had already damaged her lower legs. I tried as much as I could to bring their sensations back but I don't think it's possible," Ada sighed, massaging her temple while observing Leila, who laid motionless on the bed.

Dion hummed and stared at her lover, laying so peacefully. Leila was overfed by Dion the whole day, making sure her stomach was full. Ada and Shanika had to intervene as Leila was too shy to say 'no' in the presence of the familiar strangers.

It was already evening and Ada agreed to try one more time to see if she could help Leila. So, the witch gave the human a drink to let her fall asleep so as to ease the pain, while she cast spells on her legs.

Dion gently rubbed her forehead and sat down next to her on the bed side. "Is there any other way?"

"Well, you can turn her," Ada muttered, turning towards Dion, who seemed lost in contemplation. "Your blood is of royal lineage, it should possess enough potency for her to regain her senses."

Dion expressed her gratitude before stating, "I will need to have a conversation with her."

Ada offered a slight smile and a nod before exiting the room. Upon stepping outside, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight of Rosaline, who was eagerly waiting for her with a toothy grin, looking like a puppy.

"Gosh, you're annoying," Ada muttered as she made her way through the hallways, passing by Rosaline.

"Yet, you seek my presence every night," Rosaline smirked as she followed Ada, who quickened her pace.

Ada swiftly turned around, only to face Rosaline who stood very close to her. A slender gap of air was the only thing separating their faces, allowing them to feel each other's breath on their skins.

Even though Ada was giving Rosaline a stern look, the vampire remained unfazed for she could hear the accelerated rhythm of the witch's heart echoing in her chest.

Ada raised her hand, a familiar gesture Rosaline often observed, and firmly pressed it against Rosaline's chest before speaking sternly, "Don't be too happy about it. It's nothing special, bloodsucker."

Rosaline couldn't help but release a soft laugh as she gazed deeply into her eyes, her golden orbs shimmering against her deep brown ones.

"You know," Rosaline muttered, holding the hand that was firmly pressed against her chest and delicately kissing her fingertips, she whispered, "it only heightens my desire when you speak to me in such a manner."

Rosaline was aware that Naza was in the corner, carrying her child in her arms while, Ada was busy shooting daggers at Rosaline with her eyes.

Naza stared at both of them in shock, "Since when-," she swiftly shielded her son's eyes and embraced him tightly against her chest, "you know what? Nevermind! Just go somewhere else. There's a child in here, for heaven's sake."

Back inside the room, Dion held Leila's hand tenderly and placed a gentle kiss upon it. She knew that she could turn her with her blood but contemplated the consequences: Leila would lose her captivating brown eyes she adored and the warmth she cherished dearly.

Even so, she'd still love her either way, whether she remained alive or succumbed to the darkness. Ultimately, the decision rested with Leila, to choose what she wants to do with her body. Dion made a mental note to feed Leila again while she waited for her human to wake up.

In an instant, she rose to her full height, her senses heightened by the unexpected presence of an intruder in the woods. Casting a final glance at Leila, she swiftly exited the room.

Naza and the others were already on high alert. Exchanging a meaningful glance, they ventured outside after leaving the child in Shanika's embrace who held him tightly.

Naza emitted a menacing growl upon witnessing her beta, Jay, getting pinned down by a vampire with bloodshot eyes. "I do not seek trouble," the woman shouted, as she held the wolf down by his neck.

"Anna," Dion spat, her eyes darkened as she observed the pink-haired woman, surrounded by vampires and wolves. A few of Dion's soldiers were laying on the ground in pain; Anna's formidable strength was undeniable.

Naza furrowed her brows and glanced at Dion, who was staring intensely at the woman. "Is that Jeroen's cousin, Anna Zar?" Naza inquired. She had heard of her; one of the royals who had granted Dion the authority to challenge the King.

Anna sarcastically bowed, asserting, "That would be me," as she released the beta and assumed an upright position, maintaining unwavering eye contact with Dion.

"Why are you here?" Naza questioned. Despite Dion's desire to inquire the vampire, she had no right to. It was Naza's territory and she held the authority to conduct the questioning, unless she specifically requested Dion or the others to do so.

Anna arched her eyebrow in surprise when she didn't hear anything from Dion. She then redirected her focus towards the alpha, who was gazing down at her. Anna could feel the power radiating off from Naza and she knew not to push her luck.

"I need a place to stay," Anna uttered, making them frown in disapproval. "My dear cousin wants me dead for defying him. And Dion," Anna shifted her gaze back to the vampire whose jaws were tightly clenched, "you owe me."

BOOK I: A Beating Heart(G!P)Where stories live. Discover now