First meeting

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I  looked  behind me feeling  lightheaded. The three men were still  following me. I  felt  my heartbeat fluttering unsteadily as I  held my throat in panic.
I  didn't know what to do or where to go. Maybe running away from my guards when I  was in  a foreign country wasn't a good idea after all. I  looked  around. I  was near some sort of 5-star hotel .
I  couldn't read the name because it was in a foreign language . I  tried to read the street name but gave up when I  realized it was just wasting my time and the men were gaining on me. I  decided to run into the hotel . I  knew I  would  be safe in there after all, they can't use force on me in such a place . And there was usually skilled security at such places. I  was at the door when two men in suits opened the door for me.. I  assumed they were the security guards. So I  ran to them and held the tall one's hand. They looked  at me as if I  had grown three heads or something.
Of course, I  was holding  my heels, my hair was all over the place  and mascara had smeared on my face when I  had been wiping away tears. I  really didn't care. I  wanted help . He was about to push me away when I  grabbed his hand tighter.
"Please  help  me. There are three men chasing me and I  don't know what to do. I  can't speak your language  and...."
They looked  behind me and I  felt  a chill run down my spine. I  knew the men were still  coming. I  ran and hid behind the tall guy, desperately grasping his suit in fear. The two men stood protectiveiy in front of me and faced the threat.
"Listen fellas, we don't want any trouble . We jus' want the girl ." I  heard one of the men that had been chasing me say and I  grabbed the suit tighter.
The man in front of me seemed to sense my discomfort and wrapped an arm around me.
His friend straightened his suit, "As far as we can see, the lady doesn't welcome  your attention. So why don't you leave her alone ."
The guy's friend  said in a dangerous voice. As if sensing the tension, I  saw more security guards appear around me and the two men.
The three men looked  at the situation as if assessing their chances or something before the leader  raised his  hands in surrender and they backed away.
"This isn't over little  girl." The leader  said to me and they disappeared into the crowd.
"Is everything ok, sir?" I  heard a man ask and when I  looked  up, I  noticed they were all looking at the man who still  had his arm around me. I  blushed  and backed away.
"I 'm sorry...if I  uh....caused you any trouble  by distracting you from your post. it's just that I  knew you would  help  me because all security guards always  help  when..." I tried saying but my words were stumbling out, making me stutter.
The friend  laughed   and I  blushed  some more. feeling  the tears gather in my eyes. The tall guy gave his friend  a menacing look and that made him to  stop laughing  and apologized to me.
I  was still  feeling  the fear I  had been feeling  and wanted to keep moving so that the three men wouldn't find me if they came looking for me again
"I  should ...I  should  go. Thank you for saving me..," he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me back into his arms and rubbed my back soothingly.
"It's okay. They won't bother you again. You are safe now."
He whispered  to me. I  looked  at him doubtful of his reassurance.
"What's your name?"
He asked again. I  was hesitant for a second but he noticed and changed the question.
"Are you from around here?"
I  shook my head no.
"You can tell me about it later. But in the meantime, let me take you somewmee safe and get you cleaned up."
I  looked  at him with a doubtfui expression. He sighed.
"My friend s are all watching. So I  can't harm you in any way because they will all know I  was the last one with you. And I  will get fired. Just trust me. I  want to take you away from here so that those guys won't find you when they come back. And believe me, they will come back."
I  looked  at him and then the other guys who were at the entrance with us. Some had their attention on us, as if they were guarding us while others were focused on greeting the guests but I  could  tell their attention was  also on us .
I  contemplated my options. I  was alone  and didn't have any form of communication device to call my father and he was being nice to me. What else could  go wrong?
"But you are working and if we leave, it will get you in trouble  with your boss...."
The friend  scoffed again as if holding  in a laugh. The tall guy playfully hit his head and he stopped laughing.
"No. it's okay. My shift just ended."
He also  looked  amused now. I  bit my lip and nodded hesitantly. He smiled at me.
:"Excuse me for a minute. I  need to talk to my friend ." He grabbed his friend  and walked a short distance from me. Then they began whispering to each other. He dialed someone and began speaking rapidly in a language  I  couldn't understand.  A few minutes later, a beat up car pulled up and he was given the car keys.
He came towards me smiling, waving the keys.
:"My friend 's sister lent us her car. Where do you want to go? To my house or should  I  book a room for you....."
Me:"Can you take me to a cheap motel ? I  don't want to get you in anymore trouble  with those men if they come back. And I  have nothing on me right now except for a few dollars and I  can only  afford a night at a motel . I  lost my purse. And I  also  need a few things. That is if you can lend me a coupie of bucks..."
I  stammered my face turning red again. I  had never asked for money. Especially from a stranger. All my life, I  had dozens of credit cards to withdraw cash. And I  slept in luxurious beds in 5-star hotels. But now I  was borrowing money and I  was going to stay at a cheap motel.
He led me to the car and opened the door for me. I  got in and seconds later he slid into the driver's seat. The car looked  old... well not too old but given that I  traveled in expensive cars, I  couldn't help  but notice the difference.
Him:"I  can pay for your stay at a hotel . I  don't mind. Actually, I  have enough for you to stay at a hotel  and...." I immediately stopped him
"No. You have done a lot already . I  can't let you use your money on me. You can just lend me a few dollarrs to buy some things. I  know being a security guard doesn't pay much you are probably saving your money for something but I  swear I 'll pay you back..."
I  was nervous and couldn't stop rambiing on and on. He didn't say anything but just drove me to a motel  as I  had requested.  Smiling all the way.
                    *                 *                  *

We got a room and he offered to buy the things I  needed. So with a red face, I  wrote down the iist. He left me in the room and went to get my things.
I  needed underwear and panty liners as well as some hair bands and a few other necessities. When he came back, he also brought some food. I  took the clothes he had bought and then I  freshened up.
I  came back from the shower looking different and more presentable. He was setting up the food for me.
I  looked  at him intending to thank him and blushed  when I  reallzed I  didn't know his name either.
"I  didn't get your name."
He laughed. A laugh that was so sexy I  found myself blushing even more.
"That's because you didn't ask."
"What's your name then?" I finally asked.
"Since you didn't tell me yours, I  won't tell you mine eitme." He smirked at me. I  couldn't help  smiling .
He wasn't behaving as if I  was a pitiful damsel in distress. He was treating me like  nothing was wrong.
Then we  had dinner together. That's when I  told  him my story.
I  came for a vacation with my guards. I  had spent days going sight seeing. Then at the spur of the moment, I  ran from the guards just for a little  bit of fun but I  ended up in  more trouble  than I  had thought possible to someone of my status.
"I  can't have people knowing my identity considering the situation I 'm in. Most people  would  take my story and seii it to the news...not that I 'm saying you would  do it...."
"I  get it. Don't worry. I 'm quite content with giving you a name of my choice."He sat down on the bed beside me
I  smiled.
"And that is?" I couldn't resist asking.
"I 'm not sure you will approve."
"Try me." I said.
I  tried some of the food. And I  had to say, as someone who's very particuiar about my food, it was great.
"Angel. Because you look like an angel  to me." He whispered.
I  blushed  and smilled up at him. My mouth full of food.
"I  was about to call you that. Because you are like my guardian angel . So I 'll have to come up with anothis e one."
He laughed  . I  couldn't help  it, I  smiled back at him.
"So, what about..." I started but he shook his head.
"I 'll save you the trouble . Call me Nick." He said.
I  cocked my head to the side and studied him for some time.
"Is that your name?"I  asked l
"No but I  have always  loved the name." He said and I   laughed at that. From there, we  taiked for quite a while. Talking about anything and everything.
That's how I  told him why I  had been running.
"I  ran away from my guards because they been too strict with me. I  was on vacation but they were not leaving me alone  to have fun. I  wanted to go to clubs, date someone, have a one night stand or anything fun. But they kept saying that they wouldn't let  me do something that might cause a scandai. I  ran away with the aim of spending a day on my own but 2 hours alone , these terrifying men with tattoos showed up and chucked me into a biack SUV. They knocked me out but I  felt them driving for what seemed like  days. I  heard them talking. Saying they had been watching me for days and were looking for a moment to separate me from the guards. I  felt stupid you know. I  could  have just enjoyed my vacation without trying to be too smart."
I  sniffed and wiped away my tears.
"Then they began making calls saying they had a new package to deliver and needed the money before they dropped me off. I  pretended to be unconscious the whole journey waiting for a moment to run. I  finally got it when they stopped for gas. I  ran. Took off my shoes and ran. I 'm not stupid. I  knew they were selling me to a brothel or something worse."
He hugged me and rubbed my back soothingly.
"Did you see their faces?" He asked.
"I  was too occupied trying to look unconscious and figure out a way to escape. I  didn't think it wise to start staring at them." I said softly.
He noticed that I  was uncomfortable  talking about the whole kidnapping thing so he changed the subject.
"Well, did you enjoy your vacation before they showed up?"
I  scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"Hardly. I  couldn't read the damn map in the first place . So I  got lost more than I  explored the city."
"I  could show you around if you want." He suggested with a smile on his face.
"I  don't know. I  should  probabiy try to contact my father and go home. I 've had enough of this country. ...."
I  hesitated a bit.
"Just a day. Let me show you around tomorrow and then you can call your father to get you. I  just want to get to know you." He said walking away.
I  thought about it for some time and finally nodded. When he gave me a mega smile, felt like  I  would  do anything he asked me as long as he smiled at me like that.

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