Dreaming of her

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She smiled at me  that cute innocent smile doing things to my libido. I   swallowed and took her  hand, leading her to our next destination.
" You have taken me around the city yet I  haven't seen anything interesting."
She joked and I   had to laugh at that. I   drew hee  closer and tucked a loose hair stand behind her  ear. Loving how she shied away from my touch as if it burned her. Her cheeks becoming red as she blushed. I  knew she felt the chemistry between us.
"Don't worry, it will get interesting very soon. I  have been taking you to these place s because I  thought they would  meet your fancy. I  mean rich people  love these kind of places."
I  said and she rolled her  eyes. Making me smile.
"No. I  want to see something I  have never seen before. That's the reason for sight seeing on a vacation. You want to see new things."
"I 'm not sure you will like  what I  have in mind."
She looked  at me with curiosity in her  eyes. "Now you have me curious. What is it?"
"Be careful, angel . Curiosity killed the cat."
   "Are you calling me a cat?" She narrowed her  eyes at me and I  had to bite my cheek to stop myself from laughing.
"No. I 'm sorry. it's a figure of speech."
She  huffed.
  "it's not like  you can kill me. Even if you tried. I  have more than 9 lives, you know.. Now, where are you going to take me? I  know common people  have certain ways of entertaining themselves. Why don't you show me what interests you?"
She said in what I   took to be me curious tone but my body didn't know that. To me, it was kind of a seductive tone and it got my brain in turmoil. I  was gonna have a hard time keeping my hands to myself. Everything about her screamed seduction.
"Okay. Come on. I'll take you somewhere."
"But we have to be quick. I  can't miss my flight. Thank you for taking me to the embassy by the way. I  don't know what I  would  have done without my passport."
I   didn't answer her but led her to the car. it was already dark. So I   had no fear of anyone recognizing me at the club I  took her.  it was already  crowded as it was Friday. So I  had to keep her  as close  to me as possible. Which wasn't going well for me. My body had been in constant arousal since she  touched me at the hotel .
I  tried to think of something else  to keep myself  from touching her inappropriately. We got to the bar and I  ordered shots of every strong drink I   could  hold. Maybe alcohol would  do me well. After sometime taking shots together, I  dragged her  to the dance floor. Due to so many people on the floor, we had to dance body to body. It was getting hot. Her body against mine was sending me into a world I  didn't want to wake up from.
She felt  it too. I   could  tell. The attraction between us  was flaring up and I  could  no longer  control  myself . I  placed placed my arms around her waist and pulled her impossibly closer. She responded by grinding herself against me. And the next thing I  knew,  we  were kissing. Right in the middle of the dance floor. I  felt  the world fade away. leaving the two of us in a world of our own.
Just when I  thought I  would  lose control and take her  right there on the floor, I  broke the kiss.
"What do you say we take this back to the hotel ?"
She  asked and I  grinned back at her. I  led her off the floor. I  felt the anticipation.....

I   jerked awake and sat up in my bed. I  groaned seeing that I   was also  hard. My dick was throbbing painfully.
And I  had just dreamt of the girl I  met years ago. I   often had dreams or flashbacks of the time we spent together . Angel.
She had been the best thing ever to happen in my life and she had left me. I  remembered waking up at the motel and she was just gone. No phone number. Address, or anything that I   could  use to find her. After that hot, passionate night together  I  was looking forward to getting to know her.
I   thought we had something special between us. But she just left me without even a goodbye. I  was hurt that day. And had spent the past 5 years looking for her.
Of course I  would  have given up a long time ago when I   couldn't find her. After all, tracing someone you don't know anything about is difficult and almost impossible.  But to me, it wasn't that difficult. I   had the money and resources for that.
it's because just as much as I  was desperate to find her,b, someone else  was desperately trying to stop me. Every time I  got a lead, someone would  jinx it and I  would  end up at point zero. All over again for the past 5 years, the pattern continued. She once came looking for me. That had given me hope. That she too wanted to find me but whoever it is behind the scene was making sure we never met.
I  was brought out of my pondering by a sharp ringing.
I   knew who it was without even checking the phone. I   rolled over onto my back and looked  at the ceiling.
Mason Michelson. The richest guy in the city and a qualified billionaire in the country, was going crazy over a teenager. I   could  almost hear my best friend  laughing  a me saying the same thing. My friend's voice broke the silence in my room.......

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