Weezer 😞

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"Olive May private investigator" A young girl extended a hand out.

"Juniper Gate resident of this house how may I help you"

The girl walked in the door and looked around.

"ahh Billy Loomis Stu Macher Benji Gate. You see I'm here to help you I noticed you at the police station yesterday. and you see, I made a promise to not help you too much but when people say you did something you didn't do.."

Billy interrupted "We do not need help from some kid who probably looked at a yearbook or two and found an address.-"

Olive interrupted "Billy Loomis age 18 height 6 foot exactly parents who want a divorce but are too busy to care. Father an alcoholic businessman came to the police station last night because he got arrested for the attack of two young girls. Tatum Riley Sidney Prescott."

"enough or-" Olive didn't let Billy respond.

"Stu Macher the real attacker of the two girls' parents always gone house often used as a 'party haven' You killed Steve Orth unknown motive. Juniper Gate what could I say about you your perfect except when you beat the shit out of your dad. Juniper you are the reason I care so much about this case. so believe Im an investigator"

as Olive talked Billy snuck to the kitchen and grabbed a knife he hid it in his waistband.

when he walked back Olive turned to him cocked her head and pointed to the spot where the knife was the short girl laughed.

"come on Loomis I'm not Stupid" Olive laughed.

"Now I know more about this case than anyone else and may I say you are doing an exquisite job at whatever you are doing. now why I am here is to sort of sabotage one of my clients."

Olive sighed "All I can tell you is that I will be dead by tomorrow she is always listening"

Olive looked to Stu "Could you help me with something?" She pointed to a bookshelf.

everyone walked over and Stu saw a blinking light he pulled out the small box.

"High-tech cameras around 15 in this house she bought them off me and has been using them to spy on you. it's a live feed I'll find them for you and, make sure she stops to give you time to prepare for your massacre."

when all of the cameras were gone Olive stood in the doorway.

"Attack once tonight make a plan to kill Sydney. she will appear and you will meet her the girl trying to kill Juniper. Let it be known today will be my last day alive I'm going to enjoy it her soft spot is weak and she will let me enjoy my day. Goodnight, live for me Have a family get married buy a house get a dog whatever." Olive smiled as she walked out.

"Please don't go, Olive" Juniper grabbed onto Olive's hand.

"I have to but keep me in your memory if I die I'll come back to help you in your journey for now stay safe" Olive smiled but her eyes flooded with tears.

Olive pulled away gently and walked out down the street and out of sight. Juniper walked up the stairs and locked herself in the bathroom Juniper looked at her hand and in it was a letter.

she opened it and something clattered to the floor but Juniper was already reading.

" Dear, Juniper
I want you to have this I wore it every day.
if you're wondering why I chose to do this the reason is my father murdered my brother.
my brother was a mass murderer and after my father killed him he killed my mom and killed himself.

Sincerely, Olive.

PS: be wary of her she will kill you mercilessly."

Juniper sobbed and folded the letter and looked around for the object that clattered to the floor.

She found the object next to the tub it was a bracelet silver and blue.

she put it on in the metal it had a wave engraving Juniper wiped her tears and grabbed the letter.

she put it in her pocket and opened the bathroom door she walked down the stairs and Stu was nowhere to be seen.

"he went out to grab some things" Billy met Juniper at the base of the stairs.

"Oh," Juniper walked to the couch and sat with Benji.

Juniper thought hard about the bracelet and looked at it she noticed a second engraving.

"Send me letters through the sea they will not be lost"

She made a promise to write a letter to Olive every month.

She made a promise to not let this girl get away with this. 

"Benji can you go to your room, please"

"call me when I can come out" Benji stood and went to his room.

Juniper walked to Billy who was writing something down.

"Billy we need to speed up our plan I need to know who this girl is."

Billy pushed a notebook towards her, she looked and a plan was written out the murder of everyone at this party.

Juniper looked at the bracelet and knew what she had to do.

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