Making friends?

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Hi! Sorry for not posting for awhile but I'm back and I'll try to post often love you all and stay safe 💗

Btw the picture above is novas wand

I woke up to Niki shaking me "come on breakfast starts soon you need to get ready"Niki said
"Ok ok I'm up" I said getting out of bed and grabbing my robes then I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my hair up in my claw clip

We went down to breakfast and saw rue and Amara they waved and we walked over to them and sat down "good morning girls!!" Rue said happily "good morning" I replied "how'd you sleep?" Amara asked "pretty good how about you" I asked "I slept alright" rue and Amara said together

"have any dreams of mattheo riddle?" Amara said in a teasing voice "no I didn't and when are you going to let that go?" I said turning red the girls started laughing I rolled my eyes but soon joined them in laughing

"What's the schedule today" Niki asked once the laughter died down "I have herbology and defense against the dark arts and divination and a free period" i said looking down at my schedule "I have herbology" rue said "same" the other two girls said

"I have defense against the dark arts" Amara said "we all have the same free period" rue said "thank god I only have one class that you aren't in" I said in relief we finished breakfast and then headed to herbology we arrived at the green houses and found the griffindors

I spotted lily Marlene mary and Dorcas at a table they waved and I waved back they motioned us to come over we walked over "hi nova how are you settling in" lily asked "hi lily I'm doing well it's so amazing here" I said "what's your schedule today?" I told them and it turned out Marlene had divination to and the girls also had the free period to

"That's great by the way have you meet Niki rue and Amara?" I asked "yeah we have a few time hi girls" mary said "hi" they said together "alright class settle down" professor sprout said we all quieted down "today we are going to be working on mandrake's these ones are baby's at the moment so the scream will not kill you we are going to be repotting them today so come up and grab one and a extra pot to

We went to the front and I grabbed one and brought it to the table professor sprout demonstrated how to and we put on are ear muffs on and then i gently grabbed the stem and pulled the mandrake came out screaming and I then repotted him into the new put and sprinkled new soil over him and patted it down

"Well done miss grey" professor sprout said who was passing by "oh thank you professor" I said she smiled at me "come on everyone it's not that hard miss grey is the only one to get hers in" she shouted I looked around and sure enough nobody else had got there's in some people glanced over at me and I quickly looked down

After the lesson I waved goodbye to the girls and me and Amara made are way over to defense against the dark arts or DADA when we arrived at the classroom there were some gryfindors and slytherins and I spotted a familiar face mattheo was with the other slytherin boys I quickly looked away and then the teacher walked in

"Alright class today we are going to be practicing stunning spells so I'm going to be partnering three of you up" she began to pick out pairs "Amara and Peter and James
Sirius and tommy and Alex
Remus and nickolia and nova" she said

I was partnered with a boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes and a boy with blond hair and blue eyes both were taller then me by at least 5 inches i smiled at them nervously "

hi" I said "well hello there beautiful" said the blond boy I blinked at him "hi I'm Remus lupin nice to meet you" said the boy with brown hair reaching his hand out I took it and shook it

"I'm nova grey nice to meet you to" I said with a small smile "and I'm nickolia lansov" said the blond haired boy reaching his hand out I took and he kissed the back of it I waited for him to let go but he kept it in his hand I took my hand back "ok who should go first?" I asked "how about you and I?" Remus suggested "sure" i said "so what do I do" nickolia asked

"we switch between us one using protego and the other using stupefy" I replied "sounds good to me" said Remus said "fine nickolia said we alternated between us Remus was actually really nice he had a calming presence nickolia on the other hand was a shameless flirt he kept giving me bad pick up lines and me being me didn't pick up on them (nova is pretty clueless when it comes to people liking her)

For example I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away! Or If you were a vegetable, you'd be a 'cute-cumber and also Do you happen to have a Band-Aid? 'Cause I scraped my knees falling for you.there was also Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes or there was Can you touch my hand? I want to tell my friends I've been touched by an angel" so yeah that happened

Anyway class came to an end and I found Amara I waved at Remus and nickolia and then walked to lunch with Amara we found the girls already there along with lily mary Marlene Dorcas and pandora "hi girls" I said "hi nova how was DADA?" Niki asked

"it was ok I was paired with Remus lupin and nickolia lansov" I replied "ohh no" the girls all said "he is one of the biggest flirts in school" mary said "did he use those stupid pick up lines on you?" Lily asked "yeah he did they were interesting" I said
"Interesting your to nice they are horrid" mary said "they weren't that bad" i said trying and failing to make him sound better

"Ohh really give us a few" Marlene said smirking "umm ok Are you a time traveler? Because I can't imagine a future without you" I said blushing furiously the girls started laughing they actually had tears in there eyes I started laughing too "ohh ohh and Do you have a name, or can I just call you 'mine?'" I said the girls were howling at this point "ohh and Remember me? Oh, that's right, I've only met you in my dreams" I said we were all cry laughing I had a stitch and we were getting weird looks but we didn't care

After lunch I headed to divination alone when I opened the trap door and climbed into the room
the room was hot and humid i instantly started sweating great now I'm going to be All sweaty ugh I looked for a seat and heard a "pst" I looked around and spotted a cute boy with brown hair

"if your looking for a seat you can sit with me and my friend" he said I blinked then said "sure that would be great thanks" I smiled I walked to the table and noticed a boy with wavy blonde hair "hi I'm tubbo and this is tommy" said tubbo "uh hi I'm nova it's nice to meet you" I said with a awkward smile "tubbo why did you invite a woman to are table" tommy not so quietly whispered "come on Tom she's in my house and new" tubbo said giving puppy dog eyes I giggled and they both turned red

"Huh must be the heat in the room" I thought "sooo is it always this hot in here" I asked trying to make conversation "yeah professor trelawney likes to keep it like this even in summer" tubbo said "really it must be stifling hot in here" i said in disbelief "it always is. it's my least favorite subject" Tommy said joining in we ended up having a lot of fun they made me laugh so much that by the end of the lesson my face hurt from smiling so much "bye tubbo Tommy see you around" I said grinning "yeah see you" they said together grinning back

I made my way to the entrance hall and spotted lily and her group and my roommates talking I walked over "oh hi nova we were waiting for you we are going to go down to the grounds it's pretty sunny to day wanna come?" Lily said "oh um sure I'd love to" we started to walk down to the grounds talking and laughing

When we reached it we took a walk around the lake and along the edge of the forbidden forest we chatted about are classes and I told them about Tommy and tubbo "wow your collecting all the boys at school aren't you?" Mary said smirking "no we're just friends I literally just met them" I said exasperated "sure just friends" mary said in a teasing voice i huffed and crossed my arms the girls all laughed i soon joined in

when we arrived back at the castle we made it to dinner and sat down together after dinner my roommates and I headed to are dorms we got in are pajamas and headed to bed I laid in bed reading my potions book when my eyes started to flutter I put my book down and shut my eyes after a little bit I slipped into a dreamless sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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