The beginning of the end- 1

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Lucy was a 19 year old college student, Who lived in Paris with her cousin and her best friends. She would always hang out at the local library with her 2 best friends. Since they were all very interested in history about the world, They would read a lot of history books.

"Lucy":I've been looking for 2 and a half hours now. I can't find the book you we're looking for anywhere!

"Have you tried looking in the basement?"Stefvan (one of Lucy's friends) said in his Portuguese accent.

"No. They closed it for visitors" Lucky said.

"I found it you guys!" Leon (Lucy's cousin) said as he ran towards Lucy and Stefvan.

Lucy:Where did you find it Leon?
Leon:I just sneaked in the basement when the librarian wasn't looking.
Stefvan:I would've done the same.
Lucy:Do you guys know in how much trouble we would get if the librarians found out about this!!!

"Than you should hide the book in your coat and get out as soon as possible" One of the librarians said while standing behind them.

*Stefvan got nervous and flustered* "We're so sorry sir!"
Meanwhile, Lucky hides it in her messenger bag and runs out of the library with Stefvan and Leon.

"Father. Should we ban them from entering the library?" The daughter of the librarian said.
"No. Just let them go. Let's just clean up the mess they made, for the 1000th time. " *The old librarian grins and chuckles*

-The 3 teenagers sit down at a local park and start reading the book-

Lucy:Stefvan. Would you mind telling us why you wanted us to look for this book.
"It suddenly gets really silent and they can feel a cold breeze"
Stefvan:I think it's time I tell you guys what I've been hiding.
Leon:Ayo. You're scaring me bro. I'm outta here *Leon said as he walked away but tripped"
Lucy:Let's just hear him out Leon. I trust Stefvan
Leon:Well I DON'T. Listen Lucy. We've only known this dude for 2 months.
Lucy:That's true. But ever since him and I got to know each other it felt like.. Like I've known him my whole life.
**Stefvan stares at them. Waiting for them to be quiet so he can tell them what going on** Stefvan:Ahem..
Leon:Sorry Bro. We'll hear you out. *He says as he sits back down*
Lucy:Please continue Stefvan.

*Stefvan looks into their eyes and than let's out a deep sigh while looking down*
Stefvan:My name.. Isn't even Stefvan. I've been hiding something really big from you guys and I can't hold it in anymore.
Lucy:What? What do you mean?
Stefvan: The truth is that I..


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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