
892 52 25

Warning: This part contains smut (only read if you feel comfortable)


July 9, 2023

Mingi's fingertips brushed over Yunho's scars lightly. Yunho flinched under his touch. Mingi couldn't help but smile into the kiss and slowly pulled away from Yunho's lips, which tasted far too good.

Yunho's watery eyes shone in the light. He looked from Mingi's eyes to his lips and back again. Mingi's thumb moved slowly over his cheek, making the tears that had just flowed down fade away. "Why are you crying?" he whispered with a sad smile. Yunho shook his head silently and pressed his lips together. "I don't know," he said, his voice shakier than ever.

Mingi smiled and leaned forward carefully. Closing his eyes, he pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of Yunho's nose. Then he opened his eyes again and placed another one on Yunho's cheek, chin and forehead. Yunho's tears seemed unstoppable.

He followed Mingi's actions, his hands moving from Mingi's neck to the hem of his shirt. Mingi realized what he was about to do, moved away from him and took off his shirt. He leaned back towards Yunho and connected their lips while his body slowly sank onto Yunho's and bridged the last distance between them. His arms moved around Yunho's waist and pressed his body against his own. He felt everything. Yunho's heart beating against his chest, his chest rising and falling unevenly, Yunho's arms moving around Mingi and making them one.

Mingi's lips pulled away from Yunho's, rushing from his face, across his jaw to his neck. Yunho's head arched back and as he reached towards Mingi, new tears spilled from his eyes. Tears of love.
Mingi's hands stroked Yunho's arms while his lips spread all the love he felt on Yunho's chest. They both had their eyes closed, but they could see more clearly than ever before.

An incredible rush of heat developed in Mingi's stomach. His body felt weak and at the same time his heart told him to keep going.

Mingi opened Yunho's pants and pulled them down with slow movements while his lips moved from Yunho's chest to his stomach. Yunho's hands wandered into Mingi's hair, as if he was trying to follow his every move. Mingi's lips only pulled away from Yunho's body when Yunho slowly lifted Mingi's head and pulled it in his direction. Mingi let it happen, their lips found each other again and Mingi's hands picked up where his lips had left off.

Mingi's hand moved to Yunho's center and Yunho moaned into the kiss. As if by magic, they both rolled around and Yunho rolled over Mingi while Mingi stimulated Yunho's coming erection, looking at him provocatively. Yunho's sad expression slowly disappeared and instead a mysterious smile crept onto his lips.

Mingi watched as Yunho sighed and leaned down towards him. He stopped just before his lips and his warm breath spread goose bumps all over Mingi's back. Mingi sensed that Yunho wanted to say something, but he spoke first. "Do you like it?" he whispered.

With his arm, he pulled Yunho completely on top of him. His hand moved faster and he noticed how Yunho tensed up. "Hm?" he added. Yunho had his face buried in the crook of his neck and the only response Mingi got was a moan against his neck, which sent a wave of heat through his abdomen.

"If you like it, then do me." Yunho pushed himself up a little and looked at Mingi. The first beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. "Are you sure we don't have to..." Mingi smothered his words with a heated  kiss and when he pulled away again, he saw the passion flare up in Yunho's eyes. "I've waited two years, Yunho. Fuck me already," he whispered, biting his lower lip.

Yunho looked at him for a while, seeming to process his words, then smiled. "Gladly." he said and he pushed away from Mingi before he freed Mingi from his pants as well. Mingi felt a tingling sensation that slowly traveled to his stomach and pelvis, evoking nothing but insatiable lust.

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