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After having to watch Derek and Scott fight in their werewolf form to say Alex wasn't scared was an understatement. he was definitely a bit scared since he hasn't really seen a werewolf up close not to mention while fighting.

" I need blood...fresh blood.." Alex muttered as he walks in the middle of the streets alone.

He smiled happily " maybe the curfew enforcement does benefits me in a way " 

Alex's smile was soon wiped off his face as he heard gunshots ahead of him. He sped up to a building's roof that was close to the sound. Alex let's out a curse underneath his breath as he sees a woman walking out her car with a shotgun and looks a bit crazy while she opens the back of her car.

" no fucking way.." Alex gasped as he watches the woman pulls out a box filled with weapons.

He scowled as he sensed what type of person the woman was.

" an Argent how lovely...of course what other crazy people other than Argents would have their shit on standby "

As a vampire the ability to smell out blood was something normal and with that sense Alex's eyes teared away from the crazy woman and sees a big wolf jumping onto the roof.

the building wasn't near Alex so he wasn't caught.

Alex wasn't really interested in meddling with whatever business the big wolf had with the Argent. he was about to turn around and walk away ignoring whatever he'd witness.

" derek...? " Alex muttered 

he just saw Derek Hale chasing after the wolf and the Argent woman running after him armed. Alex jumped from roof to roof to make sure Derek didn't escape from his sight.

The wolf was getting away and Derek was about to jump to catch up but he was suddenly shot by the woman making Alex flinched at the noise. A car then pulled up , it was Chris Argent coming out of the car with an unhappy look.

Alex didn't hesitate to jump down from the building and sped to Derek who grunts at the pain.

" Alex...what are you doing here.." Derek hissed in pain.

Alex didn't answer Derek immediately as he was busy looking at the gunshot wound.

" I...My intention was to find fresh food...but then I saw the crazy Argent and you...so my hunt was paused " Alex tried to place his hands on the wound but Derek pulled back and let out a low growl.

" I-I don't know what kind of bullet is that...h..have some of my blood it'll lessen the pain for now" 

Derek was about to asked what Alex meant by that but stopped himself as he sees Alex biting his own wrist and blood starts to flow.

" It's fine my blood doesn't have poison in them..." 

Derek didn't argue with Alex as Alex's blood was sliding down his throat , to Derek's surprised it tasted sweet. the pain from the bullet decreased and Derek sighed in relief.

Alex pulls away his wrist and whispered softly " let me help you Derek..." 

" fine.." Derek couldn't say no to Alex it's like he has this kind of charm that Derek can't pull away.

Alex sat in class nervously , he wasn't able to take the bullet out from Derek's arm last night and the man had told him to go home no matter how much Alex had said he didn't want to leave him alone with an injury that bad.

' stupid werewolf...should've left him there ' he grumbles to himself.

as he walks out of the class he met up with Allison and Lydia by the stairs.

" oh! Alex finally I thought you were dead or something " Lydia jokingly said while hitting Alex's chest.

" why..would I be dead? " 

Lydia rolls her eyes

" well I was trying to call you last night but you didn't pick up and that never happens "

Alex muttered a small 'oh '

" w-well I must've slept in quite early you know me Lyds " 

Lydia squinted her eyes and shrugged " I sometimes forgot you have this sleep schedule...but I forgive you just make sure you pick up next time or I'm gonna be at your doorstep  "

Alex rolled his eyes.

" like that's gonna happen "


As the school bell had rang Alex sped out of class.

he had planned to pay Derek a visit , Stiles had ran past him and yelled.


Alex didn't even get to say anything and he was already out the school door , Alex chuckles to himself. he made his way to his car and unlocked the door , as he was about to get into his vehicle his gaze was directed to Derek who just fell to the grown in front of Stiles ride.

Alex let out a sigh and locked his door before jogging towards Derek's body while Scott was already standing looking panicked or even angry Alex couldn't tell.

" there are people back there I suggest you hurry up " 

Stiles and Scott looks at Alex with widened eyes , Alex tossed his bag to the back of Stiles vehicle while Scott placed Derek beside Stiles.

" get him to my work place "

" I hate you for this " Stiles whispered to Scott.

Alex pats Stiles shoulder " just drive Stiles...quickly " Stiles nodded and drove away from Scott.

Derek groaned in pain as Stiles drives quickly as he could.

"s..so Alex how'd you met this guy " Stiles asked while letting out a nervous laugh.

" later Stiles now just focus on the road and drive. "

" yessir "



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