snow day!

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A/n: HI!!! if you like POVS you can watch my channel on YouTube 

I was sitting near the window as I watched the snow fall onto the ground and it was so beautiful to watch the snow sparkle with a nice cup of hot chocolate feeling the heat from it on my nose as I took a sip

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I was sitting near the window as I watched the snow fall onto the ground and it was so beautiful to watch the snow sparkle with a nice cup of hot chocolate feeling the heat from it on my nose as I took a sip.

Then there he was MY boyfriend Walker (whatever his middle name is ) Scobell! he entered the room holding a blanket and sat next to me as he wrapped it around us "Pretty, isn't it?'' I asked looking out the window amazed by how beautiful it was just falling from the sky to make a blanket for the earth.

"It is," he said but I'm guessing he wasn't looking out the window cause he pecked my cheek as I snuggled up next to him. I locked eyes with him with a smile "You wanna go outside, don't you?'' he asked and I nodded, he knew me better then I knew myself "But it's so warm in here" he said in a complaint but he got up taking my hand.

"I'ma make you a snowman," he said throwing a jacket at me and we started getting dressed for the cold. I felt a little awkward in my snowsuit but Walker was wearing the same thing and when we finally got done I rushed out and planted my face onto the snow.

"You better not have gotten a nosebleed," he said stepping out I threw a snowball at him, hitting his face and he went "OOOHHH It's SO On!!" he made a snowball and we started a snowball fight and it was so much fun. I do think I ate a bit of snow but it's fine.

I was about to get him but when I looked up he wasn't there and then I was tackled to the ground by Walker, he snuck up on me! Laughter filled the air as we lay on the ground "Okay, you win" I said to Walker and he kissed my nose "That nose is getting red" he said with a smile.

"We might need to head inside," he said getting his worried tone and I sighed "Not before we build a snowman," I said pushing myself up and started making the base "You gonna help?'' I asked and he started making the chest.

we put the two pieces we had together and I said out loud with a tried tone "Now we need the head" he started making the head as I looked for rocks and sticks for the arms and face.

I found the stuff and I went over to Walker as he put the head on the body but was having trouble so I thought I made a dirty joke to distract him "Hey Walker what is the difference between a SnowMan and a Snowwoman?'' I asked and he faced me "I don't know, what is the difference?'' and I started breaking up in a laugh "The SnowBalls" he gave me a face of 'come on, really?' and I was laughing so hard I ended up on the ground.

"Okay, get up!" he said trying to help me up and I saw a snowflake on his forehead so I kissed his forehead and he blushed "I'm Cold! That's all" he tried to hide the fact that I still made him blush whenever I kissed him.

He picked me up bridal style knowing I wasn't gonna go inside willingly so I couldn't fight back and he closed the door kicking the snow off his shoes I got out of the wet clothes and went over to the couch and he made us another a hot chocolate but two for each of us.

I turned on the TV and put on our favorite movie and he came over with the biggest smile that warmed me up more than sitting next to a fireplace. He brought over the drinks and said "I love snow days" I asked "Why's that?'' and he kissed my head "Because I'm with you" he said sitting next to me.

Walker holding me was always the best part of these days, Snowy or Rain, or when the sun was out. I knew I loved when he was by my side on days whatever the weather was.

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