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I wasn't going to take any of this, I decided to stay in my apartment wether my dad or Mr Lautner or Lautner likes it or not. I take the elevator up and Lautner follows me, I arrived and my luggage was by the door. I was completely clueless why, I pull out the key that my dad had given me this morning and tried to open the locked door. It wouldn't budge, ugh I kicked the door and trust me, it hurt me more than it damaged that door. I slid down the wall banging my head and into a sitting position, I curled up into a ball, trying to clear my head.

"Are you finished with your tantrum yet?" Lautner softly states.

I slowly looked up, and his hand was reaching out to mine. I responded and held his big guy hand, he took the hair tie that was around my risk and put up my hair in a bun to the side. My heart sunk, he didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all because he did it so gently and instead it changed the atmosphere and made me relax. He helped me up and took me by his hand and his other one carried my luggage. I didn't resist, I couldn't because I was so tightly attached to him.

We stopped and I assume we arrived but it felt like quite a long elevator ride. He puts down the luggage but didn't let go of my hand. I was about to laugh as I watch him struggle with one hand. He finally opened the door. My eyes widened, the view was so pretty.

"Welcome to my penthouse," he said as he looks back at me with a smile. I was quite shocked but then again I should've known, I mean he is the son of the owner of this building. "Make yourself at home," he says jokingly.

He lets go of my hand and deep down I feel disappointment creeping in. "I'm gonna take a shower," Lautner reasons. I sat down carefully trying not to make the luxurious white couch dirty. I looked around the room and saw some pictures of his family, most of them were formal ones where he and his dad wore a suit. But I couldn't see any with his mom except one, he looked most comfortable in it and it was like he shone. Lautner interrupts and I look up at him. My face felt warm, he was half naked and only a towel was covering the bottom of his body revealing his muscular chest and abs. I quickly covered my eyes. I hear him coming up to me and I back away slowly, but I hit the wall. He takes my hands off my face and I am literally hot pink. He looks so serious though and I try to look up the ceiling. I could almost feel my sweat making its way down my neck. His hand brushes through my cheek and tucks a strip of my hair behind my ear. I am so stiff and nervous. I close my eyes so tightly and I cringe. My whole arms are shaking and my legs feel like jelly.

Then suddenly...

Honestly, this is probably the best chapter yet in my opinion

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