Chapter 1 - 2

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Ominis concluded his letter. Having finished the letter he had to write, his stomach felt lighter.
Ominis huffed and breathed. From now on, he would seal the letter, go to the owl house, send it home and all would be well.
Ominis opened his palm and tried to grab the Quick-Quotes Quill that had done its job - but no matter how many times he tried, it slipped through the gap between his fingers. On the contrary, enough time had passed since he had finished saying "t" and yet there was still the sound of his pen's nib dancing. It would have been irksome if a poorly written poem had been added to the end of the letter. Ominis was so angry that he ripped the parchment off the table.
 He pointed the wand and chanted, and the paper tip chirped and burned.
 Ominis threw it into the fireplace across the table. There was a crackling popping sound from inside the fireplace, and eventually he realised that the flames had spread to the wood. Ominis also grabbed a quill pen that had stopped moving and set it on fire. Ominis sank into the sofa with a thud.
 Now there was no way to write a letter. I don't care, Ominis thought. Even if I had been able to write it, I wouldn't have dared to send it anyway. Even if I could, who would read my letter in that house? Would I send a reply as evidence that I had read it? Ominis is blind.
 Ominis folded her legs over the sofa and rested her chin on her knees.
 Only four people had ever received his letters: his Aunt Noctua, the twins Anne and Sebastian, and a new student. It was Auntie Noctua who first gave me a Quick-Quotes Quill.
'Please send me proof that you are well while I'm on my adventures.
 In between months of adventure travel, she had sent him parcels of spice-tastic sweets, magical creature straps and amulets in the shape of eyeballs, but she preferred to tell her souvenir stories in person to her nephews. Ominis liked nothing better than to lean back on his knees at her feet and listen to her stories against the crackling of the fireplace in his aunt's room, which was part of the Gaunt mansion. That room was really the only place in the manor where he felt safe and warm.
 Sebastian Sallow, who became a friend of mine when I entered Hogwarts, repeatedly insisted that I should use Howler instead of the Quick-Quotes Quill.
 Anything, he says, because he enjoys the sound of Ominis's serious, aristocratic voice playing loudly from the Howler.
'As an added bonus, they would burst into flames all by themselves after delivering the message.'
 'Nothing could be more interesting,' said Sebastian in a tone of voice.
'I'll open it in front of everyone in the Great Hall. That way, your classmates will know how 'easy to get on with' and 'cheerful' you are."
 On Christmas Day in his sophomore year, he sent Ominis a thick stack of Howler, just to be sure he said his piece of advice. Ominis had intended to burn it in the fireplace when he saw an opening, and now that the giver had been expelled, it was easier to make that decision. However, given his current situation, Ominis felt that now was rather the time to use his gift.
- Will the mail reach Azkaban?
 How would Dementor react if they heard my voice calling out in prison? Imagining the scene, Ominis felt a sudden surge of sadness. He had a quick picture in my mind of Sebastian, who did not even respond to the barking mail and remained motionless, curled up in the corner of his cold prison cell.


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