Bull is the spider lyric prank

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(I'm sorry these are taking so long to come out but these somgs are so long)

In the 'daily dose of struggle' gc

Mina: who want to go shopping next week!?!🤩

Uraraka: I would but I'm broke😢

CK: I'm paying

Uraraka: thank you so much!!!

Momo: I'll go, I can also pay for it

Hagakure: me too

Chris: wouldn't hurt to go for once

(All the girls agree.)

Mina: what about Y/n?

Y/n is online

Y/n: I am a ssssssssspider

Bakugou: well no sh*t

CK: no sh*t Sherlock. Not like it's your quirk or anything

Iida: language!

CK: English

Bakugou: Japanese


Y/n: Hi, how are you?

Mina: so are you going or not?

Y/n: four pairs of walking boots

Y/n: I'm Anansi Sinatra

Mina: I'll let you finnish then ig

Y/n: Sitting peacefully, content with mingling until the evening, when my evil senses get to tingling

Iida: please elaborate before anyone  misunderstands

Y/n: But isn't it a great time, chilling in the daytime?

Denki: it is

Y/n: Until the night arrives, and then it's playtime

Denki: what do you mean???

Y/n: I'll wear four air force pairs at the same time

Uraraka: ok, no need to flex 😕

Y/n: Connect you to my web before giving you some face time

Sero: what's with the puns

Y/n: Many a brave knight gave a brave fight

Hagakure: sounds like a fantasy game

Y/n: Until I made a dinner plate of his grave site

Iida: what!?!

Y/n: In the daytime, I'm a web designer

Bakugou: in the daytime we're training dumb*ss

Y/n: Then, when the nighttime arrives, I get kind of wild

Deku: what do you mean by wild

Y/n: I'm climbing up your wall

Denki: wait what!?!

Y/n: black & hairy, very small

Denki: are we going to just skip past that!?!

CK: knowing Y/n, they probably haven't gotten in anyone's rooms

CK: yet

Y/n: now I'm up above your head, hanging by a little thread

Mina: not me actually looking up to make sure they weren't there

CK: oop🤣

Y/n: creepy crawly

Y/n: creepy crawly

Y/n: creepy creepy, crawly crawly

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