Bad News

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Driving behind the ambulance to the hospital, I can't think of anything but his safety and his life. I can't lose another son. Why would he do something like this? This behavior was erratic and selfish; if I got home a minute later, I would have wondered what I would have walked into.

I park the car in the parking lot and remain in it as I watch them transport him on the gurney into the hospital through the rearview mirror. I thought my life was going to change drastically as I held him on the living room floor.

I quieted my thoughts, saying a silent prayer.

Please spare my child, I say through pressed hands, dragging them down my face and wiping the continuous flow of tears from my cheeks.

I open the car door and quickly close it, slamming the door. I pound my fist on the steering wheel out of frustration. The image of his lifeless body at the hands of the EMT in my home surged through my mind.

I tap on the screen as I wipe the tears with my hand, trying to clear up my vision. I click on recent calls and press MY BABY💜.

*Ring* The sounds fill the car speakers, and I rest my elbow on the window pane, pressing my head into my hand, which's my makeshift fist.

Baby, are you alright? I hear her hoarse, honeyed voice. Did I wake you up? I questioned myself looking at the time. 3:02 am
Nah, baby, you're good. I'm up. What's wrong? Are you okay? I responded immediately with a no.

I'm sitting in the parking lot of the hospital with Marcell; he's not okay. I don't know what to do; I can't lose my son. I rush my hand to catch the tear that's falling quickly.

Share your location with me; I'll be there soon. I shake my head and reach for my face to wipe it again. I look again in the rear view mirror, and the ambulance is gone. Taraji, he'll be okay; I'll be there soon.

I reach for my phone in the passenger seat and share my location, placing it in my lap. The wait in the car is not long; she pulls her car right next to mine, and I unlock the doors. She walks around to my side, opens the door, and pulls me up into her arms. My knees buckle, and the reserved reservoir of tears unloads as she soothes me. Her gentle hands reinforce the hug every chance she gets, not allowing me to slip away. I can't go in there, Tasia. I managed to say so through the intense pressure forming in my throat.

Without saying a word, Fantasia holds me until I muster the strength to hold myself up. Sit down for a bit, she said as she guided me back to the driver's seat, crouching down in front of me.

You don't have to go in there alone, baby. I'll be here with you as long as you need me to. Her hands rub my leg, and I grab a hold of her hand. Thank you. I place a kiss on her hand and a fervent kiss on her lips.

I'm ready. I said, looking into her eyes and giving her hand a squeeze. Fantasia stands up, holding out her hand, waiting for mine. I grab my purse and phone before stepping out of the car. She grabs the purse and the phone, holding them, and pulls me away from the door so she can lock and close it. We make our way through the lit parking lot to the entrance door.

The hospital is quiet, not as busy as I would expect the emergency room to be at this hour. I walk up in front of Fantasia to the receptionist, who notices me and directs us to a private area without question. The doctor will be with you shortly. The receptionist makes her way out of the room and closes the door behind her.

The room is cold and gloomy, not having much life or energy; a TV plays in the corner of the room; and the blinds on the front wall viewing the hallway are closed. I walk over to the television and reach to turn it off. Fantasia's arm surpasses mine and turns it off for me. Thank you, I said, quickly turning my body to face the door. I watch Fantasia take a seat on the couch along the wall and place my eyes back on the door.

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