Part 6 - The Waterfight

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As laughter filled the air, I found myself engaged in a water fight with Max and the others. The once tranquil poolside transformed into a playground of splashes and shrieks as we gleefully soaked each other, the warm embrace of the water washing away any tensions.
Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted up, my legs wrapping around Max's shoulders as we prepared for battle. Across the pool, Lando and Charles mirrored our actions, the challenge clear in their eyes. "It's on, sister," Charles declared with a grin. "You're about to go down!"

With a laugh, I nodded in agreement, my heart pounding with excitement as we launched into the fray. For a brief moment, we danced upon the surface of the water, the thrill of the moment propelling us forward. But as the battle raged on, Charles lost his balance on Lando's shoulders, tumbling into the water with a splash. Max and I cheered in victory, exchanging a high five as we celebrated our triumph.

Meanwhile, Pierre and Yuki watched from the sidelines, their conversation momentarily forgotten as they observed the playful chaos unfolding before them. But Pierre's gaze held a hint of jealousy as he watched me sitting on Max's shoulders. I gently brushed my fingers through Max's hair, savoring the fleeting moment of connection as I felt the warmth of his touch against my skin. But our enjoyable interlude was abruptly interrupted as Max's phone rang once more, signaling the end of their water fight.
Reluctantly, Max gently lowered me from his shoulders and climbed out of the pool, his expression somber as he answered the call. I tried to hide my disappointment, but Charles swam over to me, wrapping an arm around me and whispered "I told you little one, don't get to close and don't get attached." I could just nod and sigh a little "I won't Charles, don't worry about me".

As the afternoon stretched into early evening, we gathered on the sunbeds, chatting and laughing as we made plans to grab some food before the serious business of the race weekend began. Together, we made their way to the elevators, Max's hand resting warmly on my lower back as we stepped out onto the fifth floor, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver of anticipation down my spine but I couldn't help but hearing Charles voice in my head saying "I told you little one, don't get to close and don't get attached." Once we arrived at the hotelroom we all agreed we should be ready in 2 hours. I walked in my hotelroom without saying goodbye., 

I took my time getting ready for out dinner. As I entered her room, I turned on the lights, illuminating the space with a soft, warm glow. I walked over to my suitcase, pulling out a fresh set of clothes for the evening ahead. After a quick shower to rinse off the chlorine from the pool, she dried herself off and changed into a chic black jumpsuit with a flattering V-neckline and wide-leg trousers that elongate my silhouette. I would pair it with statement gold hoop earrings and strappy black heels, adding a touch of sophistication to my outfit. I felt a sense of confidence wash over me as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. 

With my hair still slightly damp from the shower, I decided to leave it down, the soft curls I usually hate cascading over my shoulders in an effortless cascade of brown waves. I applied a light layer of makeup, accentuating my features with a subtle swipe of lip gloss.

Somewhat satisfied with my appearance, I grabbed my purse and headed out the door, eager to join the others for dinner. As I made my way to the lobby, I felt a flutter of excitement in my chest, grateful for the opportunity to spend more time with her newfound friends and to create lasting memories in the vibrant city of Bahrain. 

I entered the lobby, my steps echoing softly against the polished marble floors. To my surprise, I found myself to be the first one to arrive. I glanced around the spacious lobby, taking in the elegant furnishings and the soft ambient lighting that bathed the room in a warm glow. Feeling a mix of anticipation and slight nervousness, I approached the reception desk, where a friendly concierge greeted me with a warm smile.

"Good evening, mademoiselle," the concierge said, his tone polite and welcoming. "How may I assist you?"
I returned the smile, my nerves easing at the concierge's friendly demeanor. "Good evening. I'm meeting some friends for dinner, and I was wondering if you could recommend a nice restaurant nearby?"
The concierge nodded, his expression thoughtful as he considered my request. "Of course, mademoiselle. There are several excellent dining options within walking distance of the hotel. May I inquire about your preferences? Are you looking for something casual or perhaps a more formal dining experience?"
I paused for a moment, considering the options. "Something formal would be perfect, thank you," I replied, my mind already racing with possibilities.

With the concierge's helpful recommendations in mind, I made my way to the hotel's entrance, deciding to wait for the others outside. I took a seat on one of the plush lounge chairs. 

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