The Orphanage

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A man came into my room. It wasn't a proper one. It was just an excuse for a room actually. A cubic I would call it.

The man had blonde hair. Very serious. Barely even smiled like the other people tend to do.

"People usually don't take her as she is older and they tend to take little ones." The caretaker informed the man.

"She is the smartest we have." The caretaker told the man. I observed them.

"What's her age?" The blonde man asked.

"What's her-"

I cut the caretaker off as he didn't seem to know my age.


"Very well." The man said.

He asked me a few questions then to test my knowledge. I answered them and obviously they were correct.

"I'll take her." The man then turned away. He must want another child. No parents ever ask academic questions though. He did. Why?

"Start packing." The caretaker said to me harshly. After they left my room. I lifted up a thing with my power. I aimed my hand into the air towards it and it moved on the instructions of my mind and body. After all my things were packed I realised I had gotten a bloody nose as always. When I use my power blood trickles down my nose.

I waited for the caretaker and the man. When they returned they had Anya with them. Her pink hair bouncing with her steps.

"C'mon, time to go." The caretaker said. I carried my suitcase and followed the others outside.

Children stared at me. I had been in this orphanage for a lot of years. I waved at them and said goodbye silently. They were tearful seeing me leave and then there was Moriah. She was my best friend. As she saw me leaving she burst into tears. Large droplets of tears fell down her cheeks. It made my heartbrake. I felt tears slip down my cheeks too and we hugged for a last time.

"I'll see you someday again. I promise." I promised her. Pinting my finger towards her to make my words clear. She still cried.

"I love you and I'm sorry. I'll miss you. Goodbye." I kissed both her cheeks and then her forehead and went away with my back towards her. I will always miss her soft hazel hair and eyes. Her smooth skin.

As I left I heard her shout 'I love you! Goodbye!' Back. I let another set of tears escape my eyes. The man who adopted us was observing my goodbye to Moriah. His face showed a blank expression. I followed him and Anya out.

"Is this okay with you?" The man who adopted us asked both of us. Anya and I nodded. She looked at him in awe.

We went to the building Anya being very excited about this whole thing.

"Now, listen up girls-"

"It's Anya and Y/n." I said. Didn't even know our names. Typical.

"Listen up Anya and Yn." The man repeated with slight irritation. "As far as people are concerned, you both are my daughters since forever. You will be calling me father. Your mother has died. Understood?"

"Understood." Me and Anya replied.

"What a nice family." I heard a lady say.

"We are the forgers we just shifted here." Father said in a whole new personality. He was now seeming like a very kind family-man.

"Hello ma'am." I said respectfully, "Good morning to you."

"Good morning to you too sweetie." The lady said.

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